Life is certainly a journey and years ago I made the decision to live this journey with joy in my heart. It's not always easy for me to find joy, especially in the midst of grief, sadness, loss, anxiety, stress, pain and all the busyness get the point. My faith in God has a lot to do with it. But it's also my passion for personal and spiritual growth that is enriching my heart and my mind and helping me to put in to practice things that I am learning. And this path to deeper self knowledge is not only helping me to get to know myself better its helping me to better identify and deal with the challenges that that come my way without turning to food for comfort and picking up or staying stuck in old unhealthy habits. Growing up food was family, it was abondanza, love and familia cooking and gathering around the table. It was comfort but it was not the emotional crutch that I turned to for comfort during a difficult ti...