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Showing posts from February, 2018

I get it!

My first thought when I see this picture is pure love. I adore these two beautiful women. My second thought is how quicly beautiful sweet Gracie is growing from such a beautiful, thoughful, kind and gentle young girl into one of the most amazing young women I know. She makes me a very proud auntie. And then I see my sister  Marlene , she has given up facebook for lent so she won't see this for a bit, but I can't tell you how amazing this woman is, and if you know her, well then you know what I'm talking about a more beautiful and loving soul you will not find. She is a treasured friend and sister of my heart and I am so grateful to Jesus for bringing us together. And finally I see the pictures as a whole. The three of us on family sleigh ride that I coordinated back in 2015, what a glorious day we had at a beautiful farm with a sleigh ride and time around the campfire with hot dogs, hot chocolat and toasting marshmellows. With the bulk of the weight I w...

Seeking light and always love

Analogies for life lessons are everywhere and how blessed we are when we can see them right before our eyes. I have a morning habit of opening all the blinds in the back of the house. It doesnt matter if its still pitch black out before the sun comes up. I'm always seeking the light and the sun of a new day to come filtering in the windows of our house.  And I'm also always seeing the light of the Son to come filtering into the windows of my soul and fill my heart with His love.    We also have a habit of turning our hibiscus plants in front of the slider every few days.  They too need the sunlight and we want them to bask in it equally on all sides. When I came down this morning and opened the blinds I could see the hibiscus leaning toward the sun, seeking that light and knew it was time to turn the plants.  I was also thinking about the day ahead and the excitement of c elebrating a beautiful mass and the grace that my beloved and I have of being p...

Crashing the comfort zone

I am in a exclusive Coach test group with a world class fitness trainer. This experience as a coach, mentor and as a woman looking to manage her own health goals has been beyond my wildest dreams. And in a million years I never would believe that I would share these pictures in a public post, but if ONE person finds the courage to START thier journey, to reach out to me, to know that they are not alone and that they can do hard thinigs too and that they too can be the best version of themselves that they want to be, then it is totally worth sharing so vulnerable of a post. And I say BRINGIT ON! I have been into this for 26 days and am a third of the way through, this is simply the end of phase 1. I was asked on the first day if there was something that I wanted to fit into by the time this program was over. I have had a pair of yoga pants sitting in my closet for over two years. Shortly after I started my journey ust over three years ago I ...


I am resiting the tempation to write a long post with this. Anyone remember the long posts I used to write when I first started sharing my journey? I could say it all again, but I'm an open book, so if you have questions, what to know what I am doing, want to know my story, just ask. What I will say, is that when that picture on the left was taken I was lacking in self-esteem, self-confidence and in BELIEF in myself. I clung to the old status quo, gave up too easily when wo rking on myself and allowed far too many excuses to direct the course of my ship, my rudder was rusty and I was too worn weary to learn how to sail. These days, well sometimes I still battle with confidence, but I'm no longer afraid to sit on a plastic or flimsy chair for fear that I will break it, I can fit into spaces I could never have fit before, I can buckle up on the airplane wihtout an extra seat belt, and I can get up and down off the floor on my own and actually get up and down w...