My first thought when I see this picture is pure love. I adore these two beautiful women. My second thought is how quicly beautiful sweet Gracie is growing from such a beautiful, thoughful, kind and gentle young girl into one of the most amazing young women I know. She makes me a very proud auntie. And then I see my sister Marlene , she has given up facebook for lent so she won't see this for a bit, but I can't tell you how amazing this woman is, and if you know her, well then you know what I'm talking about a more beautiful and loving soul you will not find. She is a treasured friend and sister of my heart and I am so grateful to Jesus for bringing us together. And finally I see the pictures as a whole. The three of us on family sleigh ride that I coordinated back in 2015, what a glorious day we had at a beautiful farm with a sleigh ride and time around the campfire with hot dogs, hot chocolat and toasting marshmellows. With the bulk of the weight I w...