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Showing posts from December, 2021

Nonna reminds me of the spirit of the Advent Season!

  My Nonna.   She has been on my heart a lot lately. And this picture captures the essence of her beautiful always smiling face, the love that always beamed from her eyes, the peace and joy that filled every encounter with her. My Nonna Rosina always wore a babushka on her head and was always fingering her rosaries in her apron pocket. There are so many memories growing up with my grandparents right next door. The delicious cookies and 7 UP she would bring out when we were playing outside, cooking and baking with her, she loved sweet potatoes and potatoes in general and often added cinnamon to her chicken and steak while cooking. Nonna kept a stash of 7 UP under her bed to the chagrin of my grandfather and the inside door to her little walk in closet was plastered with Holy Cards, her dresser had framed pictures of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus that are now in my bible and the couch in her living room was covered in plastic. She kept her...