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No matter what I can always find Joy in the Journey

This morning I did my prayers and readings in my prayer room and then went outside to enjoy some time in the backyard oasis while I shared my reflections on today's Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.  And today's reading always reminds me of one of my favorite books " Hinds Feet on High Places" by Hanna Hurnard. I believe that the journey to the mountaintop, the experiences along the way, the gorgeous views and the beauty that it seen on the climb enriches the experience not only along the way up and when I get to the top and take in the beauty of God's nature all around me.  It also fortifies me for the climb back down. While I would love to stay on the mountaintop, I know that I will have to make the trek back down.  And what a blessing to take it all with me on the way down and and beyond for whatever comes next I am back in the valley.               
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Saturday Morning Musings

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  A little break from making St. Joseph's bread for a reflection on keeping my focus on Jesus.
Today's resounding message in my morning readings and reflections is to let go of control and to trust and surrender all to the ONE who created me and as scripture says .   "For I know the plans I have for you, says the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.  Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will hear you."   Jeremiah 29:11-12   Can you relate? Trust and Surrender  

Tomato and basil turkey burgers!