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Showing posts from April, 2017

Never Say Never

Never, never, never did I ever believe I would drink decaf coffee! I have had an inherent resistance to it, with a why bother attitude. Although I always kept some in the house because my sister drinks it and I like to have it for when she visits, I would never even consider drinking it, even if I was out of coffee 🍮. I used to think, decaf? What was the point? Anyone else with me there? Anyone who knows me knows that I am a double espresso caffe nero bollente girl! ☕️ Yes, there is actually an Italian song about boiling hot black coffee! But since the ultimate reset I have had to slowly bring coffee back in to my life after having not had it for several months. As they suggest, I have been gradually bringing it back in, been drinking more herbal teas and when I have coffee, which has not been daily, I have been making it with a 50/50 combination of regular and decaf and often making it with 75% decaf....and who knew, I LIKE IT! I get my coffee taste that I love without the jittery ...

Productive Tension - Bring It On!!

Can anyone guess what I am reading these days? Do you read or listen to audiobooks? What's your current jam? I heard this quote this morning while listening to my new audiobook....,,here's your que, name that book.....and it's been stirring up all kinds of ideas. Well maybe it's this quote or maybe it's the leggings I'm wearing today! I seem to get this big bold go for it freedom every time I wear them 🌺. Ask my beloved 💕 or maybe it's the hint of spring in the air. Or maybe it's a combination of it all. Whatever it is I know this: 🌼 All things are possible with God. 🌼 Trust, surrender and faith is a compass I cannot live without and that I must look to and practice daily and sometimes every 60 seconds. 🌼 Life is precious and too short 🌼 His grace and blessings are everywhere, even when I miss seeing them, they are there! 🌼 Freedom of time with my beloved and family and those we love is my driving force 🌼 A vision, plan, desire and wanting ...


#IamTeamBeachbody Life is so precious and far too short! I want to live it fully, freely, faithfully and boldly. I have spent a lot of time thinking that was what I was doing but a glance back a few years reminds me that I was actually doing just the opposite. I was captive in my overweight and out of shape body. And as much as I wanted to do something about it, I could never muster up the courage, the strength, the determination or even the motivation to do anything. And if I did manage to muster the motivation, I could never stick with it long enough to get a result because I got caught up in one excuse or another. I never had the time, I was always saying, it might work for you but it will never work for me, I was always too tired, too busy, too broke, too sick, too uncoordinated, too this, and too that, you name it and I could find an excuse to fit it. No judgement here, far from it. This is MY truth and the excuses I used and if I allowed myself to sit too long in the...