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BELIEF is a powerful thing!

had the blessing of attending a training this weekend with an amazing group of coaches from all around the country, each with their own powerful and inspiring story and all of us on similar paths, with a passion to be the best version of ourselves that we can be and an overwhelming desire to help and serve others.

I am still processing the weekend, the wisdom our presenters shared, the beautiful new friendships that were so easily formed, the personal insights and growth that are moving within me that will help me to be a better version of myself and the overwhelming joy that fills me heart to have shared this experience with my beloved.

So while I continue to process my thoughts, I will share with you this…….
- We have one life to live
- Every breath we draw is a gift and a grace
- I am more determined than ever to conquer my fears, be the best version of me and the woman that I was created to be and to live, love and serve freely, fully and without reservation than I have ever been

And I want to share something with you about these pictures.

The before picture reminds me of pain, suffering, ailments, sickness, poor health, a diminished quality of life, insecurities, shame, uncomfortable in my skin, good days and bad days and the years I spent waiting for that perfect time to make a change. Waiting for finances to line up, for some miracle to make all the changes I wanted in my life. Years of complaining and doing nothing, or trying and failing, starting and quitting. Making excuses and staying stuck in in the same cycle of staying stuck! There is no beating up going on here, just reality and truth.

The now picture reminds me that life is short, I am rocking those leggings and feeling bold, I may not be where I want to be yet, but I am headed in an awesome direction and I am confident in my own skin. That I am living my life with purpose, intention, balance, moderation and a determination to find joy in the journey.

The GRACE and the beauty is at the same time, both these pictures remind me of all the possibilities that come when 

- Negativity is replaced by a positive attitude
- When the excuses go away and accountability comes in
- When a can do and hopeful attitude replaces “I can’t do it” & It’ for you but not for me”
- When personal development replaces personal sabotage
- When my mindset shifts
- When I trust, have faith, and reach out for help
- When I find something that works and share it
- When I acknowledge that I can’t do it alone and I accept support
- When I remember that It’s hard work, It’s not easy, It’s worth it, I AM WORTH IT
- When I acknowledge that I’m not perfect, I do my best and I keep trying
- When I BELIEVE, TRUST, HAVE FAITH…..all things are possible

This beautiful stretch of beach is along the cost of Kauai. Not only did we get to Hawaii which has always been a bucket list dream for me, I was there in what to me was a slice of paradise with my beloved and my sister and brother-in-love and their family. Sharing that experience with my beloved and family was the true blessing. And if it was not for the changes that I have been making physically and financially these past few years that trip to Hawaii, those memories and so many others that we have had the blessing to make since I started my journey would not have been possible.

I share a lot about my health transformation but I don’t share as much about the business opportunity. I heard the words “MY fear can limit YOUR opportunity” this weekend and it hit me full in the face how selfish I have been about sharing the financial impact of this opportunity. I have not freely shared the impact for us and what is truly possible with my team and the people I serve. And I have not been reaching out and sharing the impact it has had for us so that others who may be looking for more financial freedom to do the things that matter to them and their family know that there are opportunities that can be beyond imagining.

And make no mistake, this is no get rich quick, it’s hard work, dedication, commitment, it’s not easy, it’s what you put into it and it’s as individual as each one of us is, and there are never any guarantees. Yup, it’s life, and it’s outside of the box and we can talk if you want to hear more.

But when I heard those words I realized that my fear of sharing too much information has been holding me back from truly sharing how this journey has impacted our lives in not only living a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle with balance and moderation but also in having the freedom of time and finances to travel and do things we have only dreamed of doing. But more than that, for me it’s about freedom of TIME. Time is precious and fleeting and it’s more valuable to me and my beloved than anything that you can put a price on.

I am living my life with purpose, intention, a mindset that is limitless, a burning passion to live my mission to serve, help and mentor others and it is fueling my fire today like no other!!

Maybe that is why I am cartwheeling towards the joy that awaits when we KNOW that we are on the path that we are meant to be, that a hand far greater than ours and a source of power far far greater than anything we can muster guides us.

I am here, I am reaching out to YOU and I am excited to see where the journey together will lead us.

We all have our own reasons that drive, inspire and motivate us. But the vehicle that gets us there is unity, support, TEAM, individual and shared visions and BELIEF!!

I’m here, why not reach out to me and see where your journey can take YOU?


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