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Transformation Tuesday

😺😺😺😺😺😺 LONG BLOG WARNING 😺😺😺😺😺😺
We have been on vacation, we have indulged, eaten healthy, took walks on the beach, were physically active and relaxed in the sun............... it was a time to unplug, relax and take in the grace of being able to spend a week at the beach!

And we enjoyed it to the fullest, and we shared some of it with you through FB and IG.  But vacations end and the day to day creeps back in.  And it's time to get back on track with purpose and intention!

πŸ’£πŸ’£ Prior to going away my workouts were sporadic as was my nutrition, no excuses, ownership and accountability here.πŸ’£πŸ’£  

And while I held true to a lot of good choices while we were away and made a lot of healthy choices too.  I enjoyed our time away at the beach and I had my share of fried clams, lobster and my total weakness, Dairy Queen ice cream!!

The good news, I did not do much damage on the scale, but then again I was up about 10 pounds before we left.  And besides I don't use the scale as my measure. It's how I feel, how strong and fit my body feels, how easily I move, how much less my back and neck pain is, how my clothes fit and how confident I feel in my skin. 

Those are some of my markers.  More important is being off medications for type 2 diabetes and high cholesterol and maintaining a non-diabetic range.  These are my non-negotiable markers and the non-scale victories that continue to drive me to live a healthy lifestyle with balance and moderation.

I want to be around to live a full and healthy life with my beloved, our family and those we love. And I want to be as physically active as I can be.   My mom died at the young age of 77 and lived a life of pain and suffering, not because of her weight but because of medical issues and complications from numerous surgeries.  I know from heaven, she wants more for me. I want more for me.

So as much as I like seeing the inches drop, my clothes fitting looser and the occasional drop in the scale.  For me its less about the weight and more about good health.  We never know what will come, so God willing and doing what I can and what is withing my power I want to be as healthy as I can be for myself and those I love.  

So I made a resolve and a plan to get back in the game and to stick to my guns and my timeline before we left for vacation and I am sticking to it. 

And I was excited because yesterday we got to test out a new program that is coming out in July, it kicked our butts.  But it felt soooo good after it was done.  And I am feeling the muscles I have not worked much for sure today!!!!

But I have to be honest.  Before the workout yesterday I had to drag myself to do it. I did not want to do it, did not want to stick to the promise I made to myself to do the workout when I got home from work last night. I wanted to give in to every excuse in the book.  

I have done that in the past, given in, given up.  That sort of thinking did not help me lose over 50 pounds and keep it off, get me off of all medications, arrest the neuropathy in my feet from the diabetes and yada yada yada.  I know what being consistent and committed is like and I know the results that follow.  So I acknowledged that I did not want to do it, was okay with that, its okay not to want to do it, the difference is telling myself, I am going to do it anyway.  And I did it, me and my beloved did it! 

How grateful I am for my beloved, my best friend, partner in crime and workouts and life and love and ALL things, we always have each others backs.  Last night his simple action of making our pre workout energy drink was just what I needed to get me on the move and into my workout clothes.  That and knowing how I always feel so much better after the workout is over. I was counting on that "I did it" feeling!!  And after the workout it did not disappoint!

And I could not wait to rock my new WAE headband!!

Let me be clear and honest here, I know I have shared this before.  MAJOR TRUTH BOMB HERE πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸ’£πŸ’£ I do not enjoy working out.  

I never have.  I love living an active lifestyle, going for walks, especially along the beach. I have always enjoyed being active, outdoors, swimming, hiking, exploring and doing activities.  And I like playing some sports, I enjoy softball, volleyball and years ago I was a pretty good tennis player and I still love it.  And although its been ages I used to love to ski, but know I need to lose a bit more weight before I get back on ski's.  And although its been about a year,  I love horseback riding, horses have been a passion since I was a little girl, so I am not adverse to activity.  

Working out, another story....... yeah not my fav.  It never has been and I suspect it never will be.  And it's all good.  Because what I do LOVE, is how working out makes me feel and what it does for my mind, body, soul and spirit.  When I am working out regularly, my body feels strong, fit and solid.  So I do it, I commit and I get it done. That simple.

So why am I going on and on about working out.... because I have been enjoying avoiding a single program and been floundering around and that is not going to fly if I want to see results.  Because in my experience the best  way to see results is to commit to a program and to stick with it.  So I am committing to another program and giving it my all and although it may not be my jam, and I may not WANT to get in that workout every day, I intend to make it a priority and a non-negotiable.  That simple!

I have allowed myself too many free rides and that is my fault. I know better and it's time to get back into faithful practice of what I know.

But first,  I am giving myself a little jump start with a little refresh to rid my body of toxins and get me back in a healthy nutritional pattern.  And flush my system with lots of water.  Tomorrow is day 1 of a 3 day detox program that is designed to give me the kickstart I need. And I am counting on it to help me get the remnants of those fried clams, onion rings, DQ and the 2 cream filled donuts I had on Sunday OUT of my system.  These things are not BAD, but a more on than off diet of them is not good for me and I know it and it can lead to a bigger backslide than I want to deal with and I have worked hard and come too far to rewind or undo my efforts so far.  So vacation behind me and another coming up ahead, its time to get back into my grove.

The refresh will end on Friday.  And then I will spend the weekend planning my menu, shopping, food prep and getting myself and my group ready for DAY 1 in my multi program group starting on Monday the 26th.  

The program I am going to do is a new one, it is low impact.  And perfect for me right now as my lower back and my knees are still giving me issues on and off.  I know that many of the issues with my back and my neck are a direct result of taking a vacation from my workouts and not working my core.  When my core is strong and I am on top of it, my back is 80% better than usual.  I have long standing back and neck issues and keeping my core strong helps me manage it so I know that I will have less pain and issues as soon as I get back in the workout swing.   

The knee, well not so much, but there are things I know I can do to strengthen and stretch that I have not been consistent in doing lately and so I am back on that too. And the workouts in the program I am doing are low impact and no matter the program there is always a modifier so as my knees get stronger and I continue to strengthen that IT band, they will get stronger and feel better and I will still be getting in a good workout.

And let's remember that all those workouts mean nothing if I am not being mindful in the kitchen.  Nutrition is 80% of weight loss. Thankfully, I got that covered.  Cooking is my strong suit and my niche if you have not guessed with my youtube filled with cooking and prep videos. And all the food pictures that I post.  The kitchen is where I am most comfortable and so I am going full steam into program mode with nutrition for this program, that is what truly gets results.

My faith and the time spent in personal development have been a gift to me on my joy in the journey as every experience is an opportunity to learn and grow and sheds light on the pathway to greater self knowledge.  Years ago I would have beaten myself up for getting off track, I would have used self-defeating attitudes to keep me from moving forward and wallowed in the excuses and delays and worse yet offered up a host of justifications.  There are none.  Thanks be to God there are lessons I know that I have learned.  And there are so many more to learn.  There is a long long long way to go, this is a lifelong journey, but grace is always found in the lessons learned along the way, especially those that open the door to new lessons and challenges that turn into lessons that need to be learned. 

And no one is immune to back sliding, certainly not me.  I can still go there, my mind can bring me back in a split second.  Thankfully, experience, past success, a positive mindset and a little kick in the butt can help move me right out and back on track.  When I think about all those years of self-sabotage and self-limiting behavior and staying stuck and getting out and then jumping right back into the mire, I smile at what I did not know.  But they say you don't know what you don't know right?  And if nothing changes, nothing changes.  What is that definition of insanity, doing the same things over and over and expecting the same results.  Yes I picked up a few slogans and helpful phrases in my years in the hallowed halls of Al-Anon.  I mean, big deal, seriously, big deal, so I got off track a bit, I indulged a bit too much, had that extra cocktail or two, or sweet treat, and frankly I know better, but really who cares.  I can change it next time by making a better choice, but what is there to gain now by beating myself up. Nothing!  So I accept it, acknowledge it and resolve to make better choices the next time and the time after that and just do it!!  The tragedy really would be if I stayed and wallowed, denied, put off and made excuses like I used to. And what see more often than would like.  And that is not judgement, not at all, truth, it is what it is, and we make a change when we are ready.  For me, I don't stay in the mire and I recognize the spiral now in a flash and can move right out because I am working on myself, I have gotten to know myself better and I am not just working on my physical health, body and nutrition.  I am working on my mindset and learning to understand how I got here.

That my friends, is a novel for another occasion.

Keeping and maintaining a positive attitude, a strong and close relationship with my higher power, God, Jesus, my Lord and Savior and making every effort every day to be consistent in my prayer life, an area that I have always struggled with in terms of formal prayer and reading, but through grace keeps me connected 24/7 is paramount to staying on track in all areas of my life.  And it is in the grace that I receive that I know without a doubt from where my strength comes. Because it has been through my own life experience, pain, suffering, forgiveness and healing that I know without a doubt where my strength comes from, that I will always overcome, figure it out and not just survive but thrive because I have learned and been reminded that my self-worth is not tied to anyone else or their opinion, but comes from within.  It is a knowing and a blessing that is affirmed every day and every time I stretch, learn and grow with purpose and intention to become the woman that I was created to be.  A woman of love, faith, hope, courage, resilience and service.  Sometimes I soar, sometimes I falter, recommit, make a new go and jump right back in, moment by moment, day by day, and I am good with that!!  Because I am always learning and growing.

So I did title this Transformation Tuesday......and these are my Transformation Tuesday ramblings. Because this Tuesday, I am recognizing that my inward transformation may be greater or equal to my outward transformation.

If you have struggled with your weight, felt less than, built a wall around your body to protect yourself, given up, tried and tried and given up again, gotten comfortable or are accepting a resigned form of acceptance because making changes is either too hard, too expensive, takes too much time, too much effort..........add your own wording...the list is endless. 

I can relate, I feel you. I have been there and sometimes I can still go there if I let myself, its life.  Right?  But something clicked for me, and it has made all the difference.  I see things from a different perspective today, the lens has changed and that shift has given me the courage and the daring to want more, to seek more, to do more and to expect more from myself.  To branch outside of comfort zone, to dream and to dream bigger than I ever thought possible and to remember without a shred of doubt that God is not limited to my lack of imagination.  ALL things are possible.  That little reminder gives me the impetus to no longer stay stuck in the rut, the grove, the circle and cycle I used to create for myself, it helps me move forward and beyond sometimes what I think I am capable of, and in doing so it has opened up opportunities and experiences that I never would have imagined.  Sometimes I have to catch myself because I get caught up in what goes on around me and I have to remind myself to keep pace with the One who guides me, to trust and the hardest of hard, to surrender, it always works out and it is always on His timetable and not mine.  Maybe a good reminder for you too, either way, if you want to make healthy lifestyle changes in your life too, I am here to help and I can help you.

And how exactly do I do that?  I share my own experiences, tips and resources, proven programs and the platform that I partner with, my online accountability support group and through one on one coaching help you to make a plan of your own so you can get to the results you want.  I am not a nutritionist, health expert, psychologist or guru.  But I have partnered with a platform that is proven to work and get results if you work it, and I am passionate about helping others and not only working towards good health and a healthy fulfilling lifestyle with balance and moderation, freedom of time and finances for myself but also helping and mentoring others who want the same.   

One of my passions is cooking, it's one of my greatest strengths and my personal niche.  Helping and sharing about nutrition, cooking, meal prep videos and recipes comes naturally and I know it has been helpful to the people in my accountability groups and to those who join my free groups. 

Over the past few years I have learned to stretch beyond my comfort zone to reach out and help others achieve their goals and live a healthy lifestyle.  A lot of people reach out and share how something that I shared has helped them on their own journey.  Directly and indirectly, either in one of my groups, through a comment, post, an encouraging word, affirmation or witness, coming off medications, a transformation picture or motivational quote that is shared, whatever it may be has at times been a source of inspiration and motivation to others.  Just as it is for me when I see what other people are  doing to make positive changes in their lives.  

Whatever it is, people notice and we help each other.  We serve each other and we share the journey. It is far far better than trying to go it alone.  Support and community, along with a positive mindset, following a healthy nutrition program, working out and personal development combined are key components to success and I believe maintaining that success.  

And as much as we are the same in many ways, we are all individual, different and unique.  Some people want or need a lot of interaction, others not so much, and many take the ball and run when they get in the grove themselves. It is a blessing to witness and it fuels my fire.  It's all good.  This journey is not cookie cutter or one size fits all.  The beauty of coaching is that we can work out what works and fits best for YOU, your needs, your goals. And we can adapt and change them as the goals change, and they often do.

Maybe that is why I am so excited about our FREE 14 day trial to On Demand that provides access to a host of fitness programs for FREE for 14 days.  Its a great way to see if this is a fit for you, if there is something there that just may be your jam.  Low impact, high impact, bad ass, body building, dance, tone and sculpt, yoga....whatever it is we have it. And you can check it out for free.  

Maybe you need something a little more active like the cardio workout we did last night that kicked both John and my butt or like some of the programs you have seen me do in the past.  Or maybe you are like me right now and in need of a low impact workout for an injury or to ease back into working out. 

Whatever your jam, I am willing to be that there is something for you and I can help you find the fit that works for you and set you up.  Choice is yours. 

But you are waiting for the rub right?  Yes, there is one!

Here it is:  It's totally up to you.  I can't do the work for you.  Actually I won't do the work for you but I will coach you through it every step of the way. 

If you want the results, you are the one who needs to put skin in the game.  Your level of commitment, your level of doing what it is that you need to do, is what is going to get you the results.  And you can't expect to do it perfectly. Attainable goals and a realistic approach is what will get you there and things do not always go according to plan, that's okay, we figure it out.  One thing for sure is that I will help you fight for it, support, motivate, inspire and guide. I will provide you with one on one accountability that we will determine together and I will arm you with a host of tools and proven resources including recipes, tips and meal plan and prep ideas and an online support group that is a go to for information, motivation, support and community.  Your responsibility is to use the resources, work with me, take responsibility, hold yourself accountable and take advantage of the information you are given.

Bottom line is that the ownership and accountability, has to come from you and you alone.  But you are not in it alone, I will be right there by your side.  Think about it, if you are not invested, it will just be another something that gets picked up, and tossed aside.  But, if you really want to make changes.  If you are ready to make them and are willing to put in the effort.  And it will take effort.  I would love to help you do it. 

If you already have the tools, but you have not made the effort and are now ready to commit and do it.  I would love to help you do it.

If you have tried and tried and given up, but are ready for another chance. I would love to help you do it.

And I will say this, there are a tons of amazing coaches out there, tons, I know them, many of them are my friends and team mates and they are amazing, each in their own special and unique way, everyone has something to offer.  You know who you click with, you know your TRIBE, you know who you relate to.  If you are ready to make those changes you have been talking about, then DO IT.  Stop procrastinating, reach out to that person that inspires you, motivates you and is someone that you know can help you and get it started, make it happen.

I would love to be that person, but that is not realistic, what is more important to me is that if you are reading this and something resonates and you want NEED to make a change, DO it, and connect with the person that you know, that you trust, and that you know can help you. That is what resonates with me, and what is truly important, because I know, I have been there.

I can promise you this, it's not easy.  

I can promise you this, if you stay the course, you will see results.

I can promise you this, it's totally worth it!

So this is my plan.  Day 1 starts on Monday, June 26th.  You have got to be set up and ready to go for that day.  That means immediate action on your part because we need to get you ready to start if we are not already working together, are not in process or you do not already have on demand.

What can you expect:

πŸ™  We will not only be working on a nutrition and activity plan, but also on personal development  (PD), its all about mindset.  Mindset is that secret ingredient and a critical key to keep things moving in a positive direction to making the long lasting changes that you want in your life.  

πŸ™  We will create a plan just for you, your goals, your schedule, needs and fitness level. And find PD that suits YOU.  You will commit to working with the plan and the expectations we set together for the 14 days.

πŸ™  I will help you set up your free 14 day trial for access to the programs, its FREE and no obligation if you cancel before the 14 days are up.  

πŸ™  You will work with me as your coach for 14 days then decide if you want to keep going or cancel the FREE membership and bow out.  I will walk you through either the cancellation process or getting the best deal on what will  work best for YOU.

Spots are limited, and time is wasting so PM me.

Why are spots limited?  Because I want to work one on one with you and its easier to do so in a smaller setting.  I already have a number of amazing challengers that I am committed to helping and I want to give everyone all the individual help they want or need.  

Why is time wasting? Because we start on Monday, so if you want to get in you need to be set up and have access to on demand before then and it takes time to get set up.

I'll leave you with a Mother Teresa quote that I love "Give your hands to serve and your hearts to love"


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