I was looking through some photos at the office earlier today and came across a picture of me taken at a work event about three years ago.
I felt like a bucket of cold water had been spashed on me as I stared back into the computer screen at my own face and how unhealthy I looked. And I had the immediate need to compare. Is the change noticeable, can you really tell that I have lost over 50 pounds, actually more as I did not use the scale back then, and made so many changes over the past three years?
Well, yes and no. Because some of the changes you can see in the picture taken in 2014 and the picture taken last week. But what you don't see is the differnce I feel. And how this joy in the journey has impacted my life in ways I never would have imagined when I said yes to a friend who was sharing with me some things that worked for her three years ago.
I can see the weight loss and the phyysical transformation right there in my face, chin and throat. But the changes are not just in my face. They are in my body, my lab results, the medications I am no longer taking, the Type 2 Diabetes and high cholesterol I have reversed, the way my body feels in clothes, the way I fit in my beloved arms, the growth I have experienced, the adversity I have overcome, the belief I have in myself and my ability to figure things out and the confidence I have gained. Those are the non-scale victories that will always outweight the physical changes.
All that from a picture. Yup, all that from reading between the line.
I still have a long way to go. But I'm not in a race. It's not about the number on the scale or the time it takes to get there. I will get there. I have no doubt.
I saw this quote the other day and more and more it resonates with me "She believed and so she did". Darn right I believe and I am doing it. Certainly not perfectly and not withoutt a few miss steps and side steps here and there, but I have never strayed far from the path because I made a committment, a choice and a decision and that has never waivered.
The weight did not come on overnight, it sure as heck is not coming off overnight. I get that, I accept it. It takes work, planning, preparation, dilligence and sometimes doing things I don't really want to do. So what, I want the results, bottom line, and there is no easy way to do it but to just do it.
Sorry folks, there is no magic pill. What I know is this:
💪 It's about getting healthier, stronger and more fit every day. Mind, body, soul and spirit.
💪 Mindset is EVERYTHING! Personal development is non-negotiable.
💪 It's about making better choices, living with intention, purpose, balance and moderation.
💪 It's not a diet, it's a lifestyle
💪 At home workouts, meal prep &planning and feeding my body with solid nutrition works
💪 Staying accountable to yourself & participating in an accountability support group is key
💪 Mentoring and coaching others and helping them do the same, keeps me accountable
And so much more!!
It truly is a blessing and I beleive a calling to help others on thier journey and the amazing side benefit I never expected was that at the same time it keeps me focused and accountable to my own health and fitness goals. The ladies in my accountability group are like family and I am so grateful to be sharing this journey together.
I had never thought of branching out and doing something different with my life. I thought I was settled in a career I have been in for three decads and with a company I have been with for over 23 years. But the reality is that it will be at least another two decades before I would be able to consider retirement from my corporate job. And so I never would have dreamed that while pursing a healthy lifestyle and helping and coaching others who were ready and willing to work on thier own lifestyle changes would become the catalyst for a mid-life career change for me.
But here I am. And it's scary to even consider. But then I think about the quote "It's not fear of failure that should run your life, it's fear of living your whole life and never experiencing your dreams".
Think about that for a minute and let it sink in. Really, let it sink in.
I am more determined than ever to conquer my fears, be the best version of me and the woman that I was created to be and to live, love and serve freely, fully and without reservation. That fuels my passion for helping and mentoring other women who like me, are not afraid of hard work, who are ready to follow thier dreams, want to be thier own boss, create thier own path, chart thier own course, earn income and build thier own home based business. And that means doing scary things like making changes at this point in my life.
Guess that timing is everything.
And I KNOW that life is short, we are never guaranteed our next breath. That is simply reality.
Time is precious and fleeting and it's more valuable to me and my beloved than anything you can put a price on. This journey has impacted our lives in not only living a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle with balance and moderation but also in having the freedom of time and finances to travel and do things we had only dreamed of doing. We have been able to travel more and have used additional income to help with our finances and debt. And while income is good, much more than that, for me it’s about freedom of TIME.
I want to set my own course so that I can, pay down debt, retire early from my corporate job and have the freedom of time and finances to be present for those moments that matter with my beloved and my family, serve others in a way that fuels my fire, ignites my passion and has me jumping out of bed in the morning excited to face each day. with purpose, intention, a mindset that is limitless, and a burning passion to live my mission to serve, help and mentor others.
I know that I am on the path that I am meant to be and that there is a hand and a source of power far greater than anything I can even fathome that guides me.
We all have our own reasons that drive, inspire and motivate us. Whether it is to lose weight and get fit, to build a business and earn income or for some both. The vehicle that gets us there is unity, support, TEAM work, our individual and shared visions and BELIEF!!
I am looking to mentor two like-minded women who like me are ready to conquer thier fears to be the best version of themselves and the woman that they were created to be. And if you want to join my next challenge group, even better.
Is that YOU? Then message me, we should chat.
Beachbody does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of Independent Coach Earnings located in the Coach Online Office for the most recent information on our Coaches’ actual incomes.
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