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"It's time for us to more than just survive, we were made to Thrive" !!!

We are on vacation and I was really bummed that we were going to miss today's Supa Saturday event. We rarely miss it and the guest speaker is none other than our CEO, Carl Daikeler.  

If you've followed me you've no doubt seen my posts from past Supa Saturday's.  The workouts with celebrity trainers, inspiring transformation stories and top notch motivational speakers. 

I was lamenting a bit that we couldn't be there. And consoling myself that we were there in spirit. And Our good and gracious God is never outdone in His generously. And I got a clear reminder of that when I checked my messages. 

A dear friend sent a message telling me that my transformation story was the lead in for the transformation video they showed this morning. 

Then another coach friend who inspires me to the moon and back with her ongoing transformation live streamed some of it so I got to see all these amazing people whose lives have been transformed.  All because they took a chance, bet on themselves, said yes, took action and did the hard work it takes to make the changes they said they wanted. 

And if that was not enough to make my heart smile, my coach and mentor also shared some of our CEO's talk in a live video on our team page so I have been enjoying bits and pieces of the day and truly feeling part of it.

This journey is transformative on so many levels, it's awe inspiring and as real as it gets, because it's a lifestyle with balance and moderation and a beautiful and healthier way of life for me and my beloved. 

This video is the lead in that was used today. Then they had music and one transformation after another!  Countless lives being changed.  I wish I had the whole thing and not just my quick clip to share.  I will if I get.

I'm here to tell you.  If you make a decision. And commit to it there is no way you can't succeed.  

These programs, peers helping peers, accountability groups, motivation and support, focus on personal development and for those of us who partner through the coaching experience helping and mentoring others truly changes lives. We make a positive impact in this world. It helps us individually and as a community rise to be the best version of ourselves.

I am living that journey first hand. My mission is to help and mentor others along the way. 

" We know we were made for so much more than ordinary lives. It's time for us to more than just survive, we were made to Thrive" 

This is a line from one of my favorite songs "Thrive" by Casting Crowns.  Life is too short and far too precious not to THRIVE!!

It's a gift to be able to stay accountable to a healthy lifestyle. We have freedom of time and finances, while at the same time mentoring others to achieve their goals. 

We are heading into the last quarter of the year.  I am looking for hard working go getters who want to stay accountable to their own healthy lifestyle,  help and mentor others and who like me want to THRIVE.

Now is the time to get set up and ready not only for the U.K. launch coming up next month but to be positioned to help those who will be ready to get on the bandwagon after the first of the year.

You've seen me do this, you can too!  I can show you how!

Who's ready to THRIVE!



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