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I'm A Little Obsessed.......

When you get a fire in your belly nothing can stop you!!

So what happens when there's a fire in your belly, you see amazing results that others have had, you have all the tools at your fingertips, you know the drill, you just have to #doit, and you know you are facing a big challenge that is going to be tough and out of your league, but you know you have it in you to do it........I'll tell you what happens!!

You go all in 100% jump in the pre game to get yourself prepped and ready for the real deal, haul a$$ and get a little obsessed so you can #crushit!!!!

That's exactly what I'm doing!!!

It's not going to be pretty, and it sure won't be perfect, but it will be 100% authentic!! And I am going to be journaling my crazy journey on my blog and business page.

Truth is I have been skating along, maintaining, comfortable, gaining ground, losing it and back and forth I've been in both my health journey and in my lifestyle coaching business. And I have gaine far too much to go back or veer off track.

Good news is I've been digging into my own personal development and growth journey and I've been able to dig a little deeper, gotten to know myself a little better and have more clarity on my purpose and mission.

Enough to know that, I don't want to be comfortable anymore, I don't want, but NEED to stretch and grow. I am limitless and I have allowed my own self imposed limiting self beliefs keep me safe and in the comfy zone. No more.

I want to feel not just great, but AMAZING!

I want to serve others better, Mind, body, soul and spirit and help them see their potential and realize they can do things that they don't think they can, because I KNOW from my own experience, if I can, they can too!!

I want to share the things and the resources that I know work for me and help me to live a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle!

And there are so many exciting things coming down the line #crushit, #the25thhour#80daysofobsession

And the timing is perfect!!

It's getting close to the end of the year and the start of the next one and all those New Years resolutions.

You know your trying to figure out what to do and telling yourself your too busy right now, will get to it later......I did that for more years than I care to mention. And most times when I figured it out, I didn't stick to it.

Why not make this year different?

Why not start now? If not actually starting, make your plan now.

I'm doing things a little differently and working more directly with a smaller invested and engaged group who are ready to drop the excuses, go ALL IN 100% with me to get the results.

Our "boot camp" to start will; Meet online for a weekly chat, and our members will Check in daily in the support group, Team up with a support group success partner, Make personal development a non-negotiable and Meet online,phone or chat with me one on one weekly for starters...... Sound like something you need too?

Why not connect with me now before the year is over, spots are limited there are already several of us on board and ready to go.

Reach out now so we can tailor a plan for you so you can sail into 2018 with your own solid plan in place, support system, tools and resources you will need and fire in your belly too?


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