Well it's day 3 of 80 and we are getting it done! It ain't pretty getting up in the wee hours and having breakfast and then waiting to workout but the blessing is that it has made for us a perfect time to spend some time in prayer and personal development. And I have been so inspired by our readings in the morning I am sharing them on my facebook page . I know how much I need to hear what I am reading and meditating on and I figure if I need it, there may be others out there who need it too. So for whatever it is worth I am sharing it and trusting that it may be helpful to someone else too. There is a whole day ahead and I am ready for the challenge and looking forward to it, what a blessing to get into a new routine. It doen't quite feel like a total blessing yet, still getting used to it, but as the days go on and we keep at it, I know it will get easier, the routine will fall into place and in the end we will be healthier, mind, body, soul and ...