And it got me thinking about how until the past few years I had been living within a very comfortable "comfort zone" of my own choosing.
And how that all changed when I started my "Joy in the Journey" and found a platform to share my voice. In the process, I have become more confident in my skin, comfortable in sharing my story to help others and the author of the narrative of my life with the Lord's guiding hand.
And I have found the courage to push myself beyond my comfort zone diving into and seeking personal growth, self-awareness and understanding through prayer and a commitment to personal development and living a balanced and healthy lifestyle. And I discovered a passion, mission and desire in mentoring and helping others on their journey.
If I had never taken that first step, and then the second, I never would know the joy I have today, and I would have never discovered and developed the innate gift and talent within me to make a difference not only in my own life, but in the lives of others. Like with anything, there is risk and there is the fear of failure. But I have learned to trust, to listen to the voice deep within that guides me and rest assured that all will be well, that I have all that I need to figure things out and that I will always be equipped to carry out whatever I am called to do.
And when I think about it, the risk of the status quo, hunkering down in my "comfort" zone and "wishing" inside but not taking action and actually doing what I know I am called to do is the greater risk. Because that would mean that I am not living my purpose and doing all that I can and have been charged with to be the best version of the woman that I was created to be. Because "It's not fear of failure that should run your live, it's fear of living your whole life and never experiencing your dreams"
And maybe on a rare occasion a dream will fall into someone's lap....................certainly it happens, but not in my world and it's not been my experience. And frankly I don't think it's been that way for any successful person I know.
What do I know about following dreams, making changes, living your purpose .......
🌈 It takes hard work, grit, consistency, staying the course when others bail and getting back on track when we venture off.
🌈 Like our health journey, making changes, following our dreams, is all about doing the work, accountability, dropping the excuses and changing trajectory when things aren't working instead of giving up.
🌈 It's about digging deep, getting to know yourself, facing reality and daring to work on yourself while staying positive and making yourself into the best possible unique and wonderful version of YOU that YOU can be.
🌈 We are choice makers, we are not defined by our circumstances of life experiences, we are the authors of the narrative of our life story
🌈 It extends to every aspect of our lives, mind, body, soul and spirit and its as available to each of us as our next breath when we trust and begin to live our lives with intention and purpose.
🌈 You have to have a driving force, a personal "WHY". That means digging deep, figuring out what it is that will drive you long after the desire to do the thing you started has left you. It's what you must tap into during those times when you would rather be doing something else, when the going gets hard or you just don't have the energy or the desire to do the things or take the actions that must be done to get to your goals. Your "WHY" will help you keep your focus
🌈 It's not easy, if it was, everyone would do it. It takes effort and mindfulness and deliberate and intentional actions. And often it is doing things we know we should do when we'd rather be doing something else. And so much more....
🌈 It's not going to happen overnight, and it may never happen at all if you never take that first step..... and even if you do, it may not......there is the rub but in the process if you are open, trusting, faithful, positive and always moving forward it can't help but benefit you and those around you and who knows, you may discover a new dream in the process.
🌈 There is greatness in every soul, we are limitless. It is our fear and our limiting self-beliefs that hold us back from living our purpose and realizing our dreams.
I have an index card in my office that I look at every day. It's part of my morning affirmations "Live with passion and purpose knowing I am doing what I was created to do and where I am meant to be, to make a difference, to live, love, matter"
My beautiful friends, dreams do come true. I'm living proof as I use this platform to make a difference in the lives of others. You can too.
I love this quote from Mel Robbins " You have been assigned this mountain so you can show others it can be moved"
Start thinking outside the box and your comfort zone. Ready to move that mountain?
The way I see it all we need need is faith as small as a mustard seed and belief, faith and trust in a God who can move the mountain.
Oh yes, the possibilities are limitless!!
I'm looking to mentor five women who are ready to ditch the status quo, dive deep, dream big and see what lies outside their comfort zone.
Is that YOU?
If so reach out, lets chat and see if we're a good fit.
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