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Jumping into a 100 Day Challenge....and here we go...

Over the past few years I’ve learned a lot about myself including what I need in my personal tool belt to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle.

And I’ll tell you a secret......

I’ve got the winning formula. That winning formula is me!!

Specifically me applying myself, staying in the right mindset, making the hard choices, staying the course even when it gets hard, and most important making the choice to commit not just to a healthy weight loss program, workout and nutrition plan, but making a commitment to myself and staying accountable to it.

You’ve got the winning formula too! You!!

But I’ll tell you another secret.......

That winning formula works best when the journey is shared. That for me and I think I can speak for the ladies in our success group is the secret sauce in a nutshell!!

So I’ve made a choice, as has my beloved to do 100 workouts.

To start we are joining a VIP coach group with the super trainer who created the program to get a first hand look at the program and the first 10 workouts. We will also get personal access to her for tips, insights and questions so that we can learn and bring our best to our team and the challengers joining us in our 100 day challenge!

Our 100 day journey starts Monday, August 12th and we are going through the end of the year.

We don’t do one size fits all but we do follow a plan and I can help you create one that will work for you if you want to lose 10 or 100 pounds or maintain and gain some muscle.

For our Joy in the Journey family it’s ........

A new day!

A new challenge!

A new commitment!

A decision!

A choice!

A path to success! Together!!

If you’re “IN” say so and go to Be 100 Success group to join our group.

Let’s rock this 100 workouts together!!

Together is the best path to success!


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