At the beginning of September we celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary and for us the celebration continues as today we celebrate the anniversary of our engagement on the day that John proposed 9 years ago.
Amazing how it feels like decades have passed since we have been together and at the same time like it was yesterday. That's how it is for us, we are so connected and familiar and like we have always been together and at the same time everything seems exciting and new, like the start of a beautiful adventure.
As I recall, it was an unseasonably warm September night 9 years ago when John proposed. Much
like the weather we have enjoyed this week.
We had been out on a date and as often we did, we stopped into
the Adoration Chapel at St. Mary's to pray and sit with Jesus for awhile.
St. Mary's quaint Adoration Chapel is a favorite. I was in the habit of visiting the Blessed Sacrament every day. And I often went there on my own and also with John. I was often there when either the Chapel was empty when I arrived, or only a few people and often everyone would leave and I would remain
in the Chapel alone until someone else showed up. I never had a set hour and sometimes would visit for hours at a time, so I had had many occasions to be there on my own. Just me and Jesus. But that never happened
anytime John and I were there together, there were always other people there
praying as well.
On this night, 9 years ago it was a first, everyone else who was there when
we got there had left. At first I didn't notice that everyone was gone and that
we were the only ones left in the Chapel, just us and Jesus.
John and I were both each silently praying the rosary. John reached for my hand and I thought that was so sweet to hold hands as we prayed. But with my hand in his he stood silently inviting me to stand with him. John then lead me to the altar rail at the
head of this beautiful small chapel where we knelt before Jesus.
Over the years I had often seen people get up and go to the altar, kneel at the rail and pray. But I had never approached myself. I was thinking that being alone in the Chapel we were going to the Altar to pray the Rosary at the foot of the Blessed Sacrament.
And so I was a little surprised when as we were both kneeling,
John on his knees turned facing me and he silently encouraged me to kneel facing him. Both of us with our rosaries in hand. Then he reached into
his pocket and pulled out the most beautiful engagement ring. He took my hands and right there with us kneeling at the foot of the altar, alone in the chapel and in the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament John professed his love, fidelity, commitment and desire to spend our lives together and he proposed and asked me to be his wife. Tears of love and joy were streaming down my face and I am sure the look of surprise that this beautiful moment was happening was on my face as I too with delight and joy said yes and professed my love, fidelity, commitment and desire to spend our lives together too as he placed the ring on my finger.
It was a proposal and engagement that was perfect for us and our
relationship and it was an experience and moment in time that is and will be
forever etched into my heart.
We stayed at the altar rail together praying to the Lord
offering prayers of praise and thanksgiving. After a time, we returned to our
seats, newly engaged and bursting with excitement to enjoy the moment and to
share the news. And as If on cue people started coming into the Chapel. As more people came in, it was our cue to leave and share the good news with our families.
And there is a bit more to this story that began many months before. The Fede ring that John gave me on August 19th and my engagement and our wedding rings have a beautiful story all their own. They are very special to us and have great sentimental significance not only because of the thought and effort that John put into creating them, but because they are made from a combination of my mothers Italian gold rings and jewelry and John's grandmothers wedding and engagement ring.
John was thinking about proposing and during that time his mother was asking him when he was going to propose. After another inquiry from his mother he told her that he didn't yet have the money for a ring and thought that would stop the inquiry for a bit. But soon after, his mom came to him with his grandmother Albertine's engagement ring and told him that he cold give it to me when he was ready. John was really touched by this knowing that the he owed his relationship with Jesus to his grandmother and now she was helping him to start a new relationship with me. John knew it was going to be special to have me wearing his grandmother's ring but he wanted to make it even more special. He contacted my sister Anna and let her know his plans having a new ring made using the diamonds from his grandmother's ring and wanted to use diamonds from my mother's ring too. Anna told him that I had my mom's jewelry. So he had a decision to make. To stick to his plan he would have to reveal the plan to me and ruin the surprise or he could just use the ring and not add anything to it.
But, my beloved loves to research and so he started looking into the traditions of Italian wedding rings and engagements. He found some information on what is called a Fede ring. The Fede ring was used as engagement/wedding rings in medieval and renaissance times. The name Fede is from the Italian phrase mani in fede ("hands [joined] in faith" or "hands [joined] in loyalty").
So John decided on a third option. He would purchase the Fede ring and give it me as a promise ring and then he could let me know about his plans for the engagement ring.

And it didn't matter. When John gave me the Fede ring we promised ourselves to each other, hands in love, faith, fidelity and loyalty with the thoughtfulness of the mani en Fede he had researched so I had no idea the beautiful surprise that awaited that night in Adoration.
When I look back I can see how the Lord's hand provided the
perfect setting for us to begin our friendship, engagement, marriage and our life together.
The blessings and the growth over the years are many. Our foundation of faith and unity with and in Jesus remains firm. Jesus guides and sustains us both individually and together in our relationship. And little anniversaries, like today, are affirmations and reminders of the grace of Jesus in our lives.
And lest you think our life was and is perfect, it's not. Nothing is. But it's
perfect for us. And our union has always had Jesus in the middle. And thanks be to God for that. Like all couples we have challenges and obstacles amid the
highlight reel. It seems sometimes at every turn we are challenged to grow and stretch and not always how we would like it to be. But in the process we have the opportunity to grow, to get to know ourselves and each other on a deeper level. And in the process we grow closer to each other and individually and as a couple we draw closer to Jesus.
How grateful we are that our hearts and our eyes are open to
His love, we can share it with each other and with those around us and it opens
our hearts to see the many many ways He spoils us.
We are both so thankful to have the special blessing of my engagement and our wedding rings made from John's grandmother, Albertine and my mother, Maria's rings and gold. John is also blessed by his grandmother Albertine who also inspired him to make rosaries. She and his grandfather used to make them when John was young.
Last year after witnessing for years John's blossoming talent and gift of making beautiful and meaningful rosaries and items that deeply touch and bless the lives of others we founded and created Heart's Rosary Company. A business and ministry that is not only a blessing to us, but to so many.
Today, as I think back on the memory of our engagement and the beautiful and special rings that bind us, I offer thanksgiving and praise to Jesus for the gift of my beloved. And I am reminded that our union is not just for us, for it is in the "oneness" that we have become in marriage that together as a couple we can touch the lives of others as we live out our Holy Sacrament of Matrimony.
Yes, Jesus spoils us, He spoils us in many many ways and He gives us so many gifts. And when John and I use the gifts and talents that we receive from Him we can serve others touching their lives and spoiling them with blessings and love from Jesus.
How can my heart not overflow with gratitude and thanksgiving.
Have a wonderful Weekend!