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It is well!


“For thou didst form my inward parts, thou didst knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise thee, for thou art fearful and wonderful. Wonderful are thy works! Thou knowest me right well; my frame was not hidden from thee, when I was being made in secret, intricately wrought in the depths of the earth”

Psalm 139: 13 - 15

Grief and loss never go away, no matter the years, gratefully love and gratitude for the blessings always remain

How is it that 24 years can feel like the blink of an eye!

24 years ago today I sat by my mom's side, holding her hand stroking her brow and telling her how very much I loved her as she was drifting into the last few hours of her life.

The next morning, still by her side we said our last goodbye on this side of heaven.

I knew at the time that I had been given so many gifts:

The gift of a mother who to me was beyond compare and the strongest most amazing women of love, faith, courage, fortitude, perseverance and grace that I have ever known.

The gift of her love, her guidance, her model of character, integrity, honesty, dignity and honor.

The gift of being her youngest child, her unexpected surprise born to her at the age of 40 when her other three children were teens and young adults.

The gift of being a witness to her faith, her sacrifice and her bravery and courage through years of physical pain and silent acceptance of suffering, never losing her humor, her joy, her focus of family above all and her daily and constant unconditional love and sacrifice for her family.

And the gift of being right there by her side when she drew her last breath and was brought home in the arms of Jesus.

There is so much more to say - but for today, on the eve of my mom's 24th anniversary of her passing I can say .......

Sadness, loss and grief remain, not overwhelming, yet always present

My heart is filled with untold joy in the treasured memories and legacy of an incredible woman that I was blessed to call mom and whose love lives on in me and every member of our family

Remembrance brings abiding peace and comfort

Love beyond telling, gratitude, thanksgiving and hope remain

The bond of love shared is forever binding, transcends time and space and is always present

And while I miss her always, I know that she is at peace with daddy in the arms of Jesus and is looking down upon us with ever present, ever guiding love

...... And it is well!



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