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A little extra always comes in handy......

Last week it was the chimney this week the tree that went down during the last storm.........our trip to Italy 🇮🇹 and the pool have shifted to the back burner, that’s what happens when unexpected things arise.

But you know, it’s all good and we are pretty good at making lemons out of lemonade and finding gratitude in the journey!!!

There was a time that my stress level would go through the roof when something unexpected happened and we weren’t financially prepared.

We’ve lived the delays in fixing things till we could manage it. Juggling credit cards that were maxed, paying this and holding back that, figuring out how we are going to put gas in the car, keep up with the mortgage, pay for groceries and make ends meet.

It’s not easy and if both of us go back to a time before we married, we could share some truly difficult financial times and stories.

Thanks be to God we have managed to work things out with a little part time income. It can make a world of difference. Especially when those unexpected expenses come calling.

Maybe you can relate, maybe you can’t. What I know is that time is precious and fleeting and having freedom of time and more financial freedom and flexibility than we’ve had in the past reduces my stress level and gives me piece of mind.

And I like being my own boss, making my own hours and living a mission that I am passionate about.

It’s not easy or for the faint of heart, it takes sacrifice, resourcefulness, consistency and determination to stay the course when your so exhausted you want to throw in the towel. It’s those times I hold on to the freedom we’re experiencing today.

Yup, a new chimney and taking down fallen and dead trees isn’t our idea of spending hard earned money on travel or leisure or even the basic necessities, but it’s gotta be done. And how grateful we are that we’re able to do it.

Gotta love a side gig, platform and income that allows you to help and mentor others while working on being your best self.

I’m always looking to mentor and expand my team but it’s a process, like anything it needs to be the right fit.

If you want to chat about it click on this application


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