There is so very much I could say and I think in one post or another I have said it all.
I didn't go from having type 2 diabetes and taking 4 metformin pills a day, pills for neuropathy and high cholesterol to reversing my diabetes and NO pills save for allergy controllers by sitting on the sidelines.
I didn't go from low self esteem, lack of confidence, a negative and loathing self-image, depression and daily bouts of fear, anxiety and insecurity to woman of courage, confidence, love and joy by sinking deeper into the mire. Instead with every breath I struggled to step out, and with every passing day I learned to manage and overcome the struggle.
My faith is what has carried me, it got me through a dark and dangerous time in my life and grace saved me for without it, I KNOW without a doubt that I would not be drawing breath today and here to share this glorious journey with YOU.
It's been a long road and the dust is far behind me. But the struggles are not. Grace is I've learned how to navigate the journey with the Jesus leading and guiding the way.
And the journey is not only a joy, but a blessing. And today I can not only focus on the inside but the outside to shed the weight that I gained as protection, solace and comfort years ago. It did not come on in one day, and it's not going to go that way either.
And I'm good with that because I'm on a journey and I am sharing it with amazing people.
Every day and sometimes every moment of every day, I lift my eyes to the heavens and to my Jesus and wrap myself in my faith, for I know that is where my strength comes from.
When people notice the weight that I have lost they want to know what I am doing. But most aren't will to make the investment in themselves that I did.
And it's all good, because no one can help you if you are not willing to help yourself.
But I will always continue to help myself, those that I love and those that want to be helped and those that I serve.
So to YOU, who maybe wondering what and how I am making the these lifestyle changes.... read on.
I share Jesus and my faith.
I drink my shake every day. It has the nutrients of all the fruits and veggies I need. It gives me dense nutrition, vitamins and all that I need to fuel my body that I could never get in the food that is available today unless I was growing it myself. And it tastes like a treat, and sometimes I make it like ice cream and that satisfies my sweet tooth. But the best part is that it keeps up my energy, helps my digestion, curbs my cravings and keeps me full. And it has unexpectedly reduced our grocery bill because it replaces a meal or a snack every day.
I eat everything and anything I want, with balance, moderation and mindfulness with my goals in mind. I fluctuate between weight loss mode and maintenance mode and I've learned how to do it without undoing all my good efforts.
I keep my body moving and I workout. I don't love working out, but I love the results I get so I do it and I love that I do it.
I focus on my mindset, personal growth and personal development and in being and becoming the best version of ME that I was created to be.
I remain accountable to myself and to the people I serve and with joy in my heart and joy in the journey provide value, inspiration, motivation and community to help guide them to achieving THEIR goals and discover THEIR own beautiful greatness on THEIR journey to THEIR best life, THEIR best self.
Isn't it time YOU got off the sidelines and took a chance on YOU.
If no one has told YOU, then let me tell you this:
YOU are unique and special
There is greatness in YOU
YOU are limitless if YOU can get beyond your own limiting self beliefs and I can help you do that
YOU can be and do anything you want.
YOU can change the narrative of YOUR life, improve YOUR health and do the things YOU dream of
YOU are a CHOICEMAKER and I can help YOU figure out the best plan for YOU to achieve YOUR goals.
WE get one shot at this life, it is amazing and beautiful and wondrous and filled with blessings, grace, opportunities, challenges and struggles.
OUR perception and the way in which we handle those challenges and struggles is what makes the difference.
Get off the sidelines, join me and our amazing success group of THRIVERS as together we squeeze out every bit of joy on this fabulous journey.........and yes we enjoy a nice glass of vino along the way too.
Click here to join my group
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