Good Morning!
Well its day 2 of our 21 day reset. This is not as much of a challenge to our typical routine as I though it would be. Okay let me preface that, so far!!
Taking the supplements during the day is a bit to get used to as I don't take take them typically. But we have set alarms and programmed our hydration, supplements and meals in our phones so that is helping us to stay on track.
It also helps that my beloved and I are on the same page with a strong mindset to remain ALL IN and committed 100% to the program.
But that does not mean smooth sailing. Getting enough rest and a good nights sleep is an important component to the Reset. I ended up working late into the night and not getting to bed as early as I would have liked last night.
Fortunately I have the day off from work today. I took a vacation day because I have a board meeting for the vacation time share board that I am on. I am also the treasurer so I needed to get some things done before that meeting. It seems odd, taking a vacation day from my full time corporate job to make time for my volunteer board position and to work on my own business. But when you are passionate about something it fuels your fire, you figure it out.
But there are only so many hours in the day and I need my rest and a good night sleep. So it's a reminder to me to set limits and work harder on my time management skills.
Not something I would have thought a cleanse would have me doing, but this whole experience is becoming truly that, an experience, and so far it is proving far more beneficial than restoring my internal systems to their natural balance, losing weight, feeling better, improving my overall health and enabling my body to function more efficiently. It is making me slow down to take the time to think an rethink in a way that will bring more peace and grace into my day to day.
The Reset truly is a whole body system and already has served as a reminder to me to slow down, to pray more, to breath, get sleep and rest, gently exercise my body, hydrate and eat consciously. This truly is a tune up from the inside out gently taking care of my whole body, mind, soul and spirit.
And the program guidebook has so many pearls of wisdom. I was reminded how sometimes I take things for granted or through ritual breeze through when I should be more mindful. The guide has a section on Conscious Eating and being aware of our relationship to food, our bodies and the habits and patterns that we form around eating.
It made me pause to think of my relationship to food and I am still mulling that over.
But what stood out to me immediately was the suggestion to take a moment before eating. They suggested that "some people pray or offer thanks for their food, others reflect on how fortunate they are even to have food. Many professional athletes think about what they want their food to do for them. They enter into a conscious agreement with the food/fuel; and instruct the body to use if for what is most needed." They also suggested that if you didn't have a personal pre-meal ritual that now would be a good time to invent one that works for you.
My first thought was no problem, I already do. I pray grace and offer thanksgiving and gratitude to God before every meal. It has been a long standing practice of mine and it is something that John and I have done together since we first started dating.
But when I started to really think about it. I realized something else. Like many practices, prayer can become ritual and rote and we can sometimes take it for granted and just "recite" the prayer without feeling or intention. Not that we mean to, but sometimes in our haste, in our familiarity it can lose its power. At least I feel that way. So for me, reading this was a sweet reminder to ALWAYS be present, conscious in unity with my whole being and to not only offer thanks, but to truly recognize the grace of the food before me and to remember that it is there to fuel and feed my body and what my body needs most. I am still ruminating over this, I loved the reminder, It applies to everything I do, washing the dishes, sweeping the floor, eating, praying, everything. It wasn't something I expected to get out of doing a cleanse, but then again this is turning out to be so much more than what I thought.
John is working from home today and I am getting ready for the meeting later and working on a few things to help my challengers and the people who are reaching out who want to make changes in their lives too. Who want more, not just physically, but who also want to help others and who like me and John want more freedom in their lives.
And as we share our newly renovated home office our phones go off reminding us its time to hydrate and take our supplements. He was on a work call so I went downstairs to get our water and supplements. And realized that we had a late breakfast so our alarms are an hour off.
You see, I am already putting into practice some of the things I am being reminded of. I had a tough night last night with my lower back and sciatica. Result of not working more core lately. So I rested in bed until after 7:30 and then put the bed into zero gravity and put the phone down and just relaxed, John came and joined me and we had some quiet peaceful time just resting in zero gravity this morning before starting the day. I felt so much better, just a little self care can so a long way.

We had our breakfast this morning that I prepared on Tuesday. It was so easy to heat up the oatmeal and it was perfect. It was a his and hers as John is not a fan of yogurt so he had a hard boiled egg with his Oatmeal and blueberries. Thankfully I boiled half a dozen last night and have them on hand. Preparation is key!
I made our lunch of Greek Salad with Chicken last night so it will be an easy lunch to have before leaving for the meeting. And I will be packing our power greens and snack. It's taco's tonight and most of that is prepped and ready for me to pull it together while I pack lunches for tomorrow.
This program like any other is doable, I just have to do it. And I can tell you I never regret it when I do. The only times of regret are the times I fail to plan and prepare. And I have made a commitment to myself to stay strong, focused and accountable, to move through this process to healthier body, mind, spirit and soul with intention and grace, to find joy in every aspect, blessings in sharing the experience with my beloved and understanding so I can help others who want the same. This intention or "why" if you will is in my heart and driving and lest I lose sight I just need to look at my little Ultimate Reset Bracelet to remind myself of the commitment that I have made to myself and a healthier lifestyle.
I love the freedom of being home and long for that day when I can retire from my full time job to pursue my passion full time. Until then we are making it work, figuring it out, not allowing all the little pit falls that jump in the way to deter us from our goals and enjoying fully every precious moment along the way.
Because like sticking to this program, when you commit 100% and are ALL IN all things are possible!

Well its day 2 of our 21 day reset. This is not as much of a challenge to our typical routine as I though it would be. Okay let me preface that, so far!!
Taking the supplements during the day is a bit to get used to as I don't take take them typically. But we have set alarms and programmed our hydration, supplements and meals in our phones so that is helping us to stay on track.
It also helps that my beloved and I are on the same page with a strong mindset to remain ALL IN and committed 100% to the program.
But that does not mean smooth sailing. Getting enough rest and a good nights sleep is an important component to the Reset. I ended up working late into the night and not getting to bed as early as I would have liked last night.
Fortunately I have the day off from work today. I took a vacation day because I have a board meeting for the vacation time share board that I am on. I am also the treasurer so I needed to get some things done before that meeting. It seems odd, taking a vacation day from my full time corporate job to make time for my volunteer board position and to work on my own business. But when you are passionate about something it fuels your fire, you figure it out.
But there are only so many hours in the day and I need my rest and a good night sleep. So it's a reminder to me to set limits and work harder on my time management skills.
Not something I would have thought a cleanse would have me doing, but this whole experience is becoming truly that, an experience, and so far it is proving far more beneficial than restoring my internal systems to their natural balance, losing weight, feeling better, improving my overall health and enabling my body to function more efficiently. It is making me slow down to take the time to think an rethink in a way that will bring more peace and grace into my day to day.
The Reset truly is a whole body system and already has served as a reminder to me to slow down, to pray more, to breath, get sleep and rest, gently exercise my body, hydrate and eat consciously. This truly is a tune up from the inside out gently taking care of my whole body, mind, soul and spirit.
And the program guidebook has so many pearls of wisdom. I was reminded how sometimes I take things for granted or through ritual breeze through when I should be more mindful. The guide has a section on Conscious Eating and being aware of our relationship to food, our bodies and the habits and patterns that we form around eating.
It made me pause to think of my relationship to food and I am still mulling that over.
But what stood out to me immediately was the suggestion to take a moment before eating. They suggested that "some people pray or offer thanks for their food, others reflect on how fortunate they are even to have food. Many professional athletes think about what they want their food to do for them. They enter into a conscious agreement with the food/fuel; and instruct the body to use if for what is most needed." They also suggested that if you didn't have a personal pre-meal ritual that now would be a good time to invent one that works for you.
My first thought was no problem, I already do. I pray grace and offer thanksgiving and gratitude to God before every meal. It has been a long standing practice of mine and it is something that John and I have done together since we first started dating.
But when I started to really think about it. I realized something else. Like many practices, prayer can become ritual and rote and we can sometimes take it for granted and just "recite" the prayer without feeling or intention. Not that we mean to, but sometimes in our haste, in our familiarity it can lose its power. At least I feel that way. So for me, reading this was a sweet reminder to ALWAYS be present, conscious in unity with my whole being and to not only offer thanks, but to truly recognize the grace of the food before me and to remember that it is there to fuel and feed my body and what my body needs most. I am still ruminating over this, I loved the reminder, It applies to everything I do, washing the dishes, sweeping the floor, eating, praying, everything. It wasn't something I expected to get out of doing a cleanse, but then again this is turning out to be so much more than what I thought.
John is working from home today and I am getting ready for the meeting later and working on a few things to help my challengers and the people who are reaching out who want to make changes in their lives too. Who want more, not just physically, but who also want to help others and who like me and John want more freedom in their lives.
And as we share our newly renovated home office our phones go off reminding us its time to hydrate and take our supplements. He was on a work call so I went downstairs to get our water and supplements. And realized that we had a late breakfast so our alarms are an hour off.
You see, I am already putting into practice some of the things I am being reminded of. I had a tough night last night with my lower back and sciatica. Result of not working more core lately. So I rested in bed until after 7:30 and then put the bed into zero gravity and put the phone down and just relaxed, John came and joined me and we had some quiet peaceful time just resting in zero gravity this morning before starting the day. I felt so much better, just a little self care can so a long way.
We had our breakfast this morning that I prepared on Tuesday. It was so easy to heat up the oatmeal and it was perfect. It was a his and hers as John is not a fan of yogurt so he had a hard boiled egg with his Oatmeal and blueberries. Thankfully I boiled half a dozen last night and have them on hand. Preparation is key!
I love the freedom of being home and long for that day when I can retire from my full time job to pursue my passion full time. Until then we are making it work, figuring it out, not allowing all the little pit falls that jump in the way to deter us from our goals and enjoying fully every precious moment along the way.
Because like sticking to this program, when you commit 100% and are ALL IN all things are possible!
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