Day 4/21 is almost in the books.
It has been an amazing day weather wise and so were were able to soak up a bit of vitamin D and also to celebrate a 5 pound weight loss for John and a 4.7 for me, on day 4 that is certainly a great motivator.
We also had a wonderful visit this afternoon from a friend of mine who I have known from first grade to high school and had not seen in years. He lives out of state and was visiting family in the area and so we got to spend some time this afternoon catching up, It was such a beautiful blessing.
We were able to spend some time in our zero gravity bed before starting our day.
Both John and I have been having lower back pain. Mine is typical, I have a bad back, neck, spine and sciatica that goes down my leg. I mange it usually with keeping my core strong and on occasion taking ibuprophen. Since being on the cleanse, I do not want to take anything so I have not taken any ibuprophen to manage the pain and perhaps that is why I feel it more acutely. We are massaging and that helps and I am doing some easy core exercises ghat do not exert, I was able to crunch a bunch while laying in the zero gravity chair on the deck too!
Hey every opportunity to work my core and tuck it in I am taking because it beats the pain!
John does not typically have back issues but his has been hurting too. Massage is wonderful and may not make it go away, but it does help and so we are managing our little ailments au natural and so far so good.
Breakfast was yummy and totally up my alley. Fruit plate and yogurt. We had some sweet delicious papaya, I love papaya, John not so much, but he is so good, he ate every bite.
We did a his and hers as John had the egg instead of the yogurt and he also had slivered almonds. Cuz men get a little more. And I love my yogurt and mixed in my berries and a half of teaspoon of pure maple syrup! It was delish!
Lunch was the Nori rolls, or sushi if you will, we had the same for dinner last night and made extra so it was all set for today. Along with the sushi we had a cup of the lentil-lime salad that I made the other day and since we had that on had because I made extra it was a no fuss easy lunch.
When it came time for our super food power green supplement we made it fun by having it in fluted glasses. Since we can't indulge in a cocktail during our cleanse and mine of choice is often prosecco we drank down our greens in prosecco style.
This is not your starvation cleanse. There is plenty of food and it thought it may not always be what we want it is fresh and real and that works for us. Our snack this afternoon was a hard boiled egg and some crackers.
I have not felt hungry all week in between meals but both John and I were hungry and wold have loved to have had something else in addition, it did not fill us up. But we are sticking to plan so it has been mind over matter.
Although I am starting to get a bit of a headache. That means I need to hydrate and that is what I am off to do.
For the record, I may want to have something to eat, but I won't because I am ALL IN 100% and I can wait until dinner. That is not always me, but this program so far is my jam and I am loving it even when I am not, inject smiley face here.
So I will have some water take my next set of supplements and get to preparing dinner with my beloved. Then we can relax and have a movie date night at home.
We are going strong. We got this!!
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