It's amazing to me that the best part of this journey for me is not the physical transformation but the rejuvination of my mind, body, soul and spirit. It's the whole package.
I am closer to God, healthier and stronger than I have ever been, more confident in my skin and energized with a strength and purpose to use the gifts and talents that I have been given to make a difference in the lives of others and in the world around me.
From where I stand its the best makeover ever! There is nothing like finding your purpose and intentionally moving towards your potential.
I don't pretend to have all the answers. Because I don't.
What I do have is desire, grit and a can do attitude and what I do know is that if I can do this and make these changes in my lifestyle that have opened up more doors and opportunties than I can even share, you can too and I can help you if you want to join me.
I talk to people all the time and I hear a lot of the reasons, [cough here, let's be real] excuses, why they can't do what I do. How it's not the right time, can't afford it, too busy. And no judgement here AT ALL, because I totally get it because I was right there myself for the longest time. I know without a doubt the only thing that stopped me from making healthy lifestyle changes that I knew I needed to make long long before I did, was myself. I was the biggest obstacle to a healthier me and I own it, years and years of it.
I could never find the time, the money, yada, yada..... and I tried everry quick fix and alternative under the sun. And still I was tired all the time, lacked energy, felt sluggish and bloated, my weight was like a yo you and so was my activity and that was on the downswing because of all the aches and pains. Not to mention having type 2 diabetes and the complications that go with it, high cholesterol and being on a boatload of medications. I had more excuses than I can list why it wasn't the right time for me. I totally get it.
And all the while I worried, I knew the way I felt, I didn't want to end up in a situation where my husband would have to be physically caring for me because I could not care for myself, where I couldn't enjoy basic things becasue I was so self-concious about my weight. I would stand instead of sit if I thought that a chair could not hold my weight, I squeezed myself into a booth when we would go out to eat and sometimes depending on the space was uncomfortable because my gut pressed against the table. I gave the appearance of being active and I was, but nothing like I am now. I could list story after story. And what I have cometo learn is that it doesn't matter if you have to lose 10 pounds or 100 pounds, it all boils down to being comfortable in your skin and being able to do the things that you want to do, not being limited and telling myself it doesn't matter that I can't do that because of my weight and thinking I was okay with it, when deep inside it was a lie I was telling myself to make myself think I was fine with the weight I was at. I wasn't.
Truth is, I didn't get it. But eventually I did, I trusted a friend, I saw what she was doing in her life and I not only wanted, I needed to make changes in mine and I did.
No one did it for me, no one can. But when you have a support system, all the tools you need to make the changes you say you want, and you make the decision to do it, and you have a mentor to help you navigate the path until you get your footing and own it for yourself, change happens. It just happens.
I don't have time for excuses any more. That does not mean I don't fail or go off track and have to get back on from time to time. I do, all the time, I'm living a lifestyle not a diet. But the difference is where once I would use falling off as an excuse, I don't accept that anymore. I expect more from myself and I rise to it even whenI have to force myself to do it. Blessing is I don't do it alone and that is the KEY.
Thankfully I've reversed the diabetes and cholesterol and am off all medications and the weight and inches are coming off too, slow and steady, little by little, and staying off..... I have plenty of time, I'm not in a race.
The grace for me is that I am making a positive difference in my life and the lives of others every day. I am living my purpose and my mission and finding joy in the journey every step of the way.
Our journey is not one size fits all or a cookie cutter pattern. That's where I come in, I can help you figure it out, find the right fit for you and your goals and provide a network of resources and support that for me has been the golden KEY!
Best part is that we get to share the journey together!
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