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Showing posts from 2018

We can do so much more than we know! We are capable of so much more than we think or know. If I never took that first step towards self care a few years ago my life would look a whole lot different today and I sure as heck could never have jumped while doing a burpee, let alone 11 of them in a row as an added challenge at the end of a half hour workout. I would also never known the blessing and joy of serving and mentoring others with their health, lifestyle and business goals. And the grace of helping them tap  into their own beauty and greatness. I am so grateful that I have learned to challenge myself and stretch beyond my own self limiting beliefs to bring out my best self, live intentionally, increase my self-knowledge and confidence and walk in my purpose serving others. It didn’t come naturally, I work at it every day because I AM worth it, I was made for a greater purpose. You are too, and if you want to figure out yo...

Present in the moment

Have you ever taken a spontaneous trip or had a little adventure that turned out to be one of the best times ever? That was us celebrating our wedding anniversary in 2015.  We started out with a long weekend at the Cape and had a wonderful side trip for the day to Martha's Vinyard.  Then on Labor day we headed back home with a week off and no specific plan. And as we found out, sometimes those spontaneous vacations are the BEST! This one was for us.  The day after we were back from Cape Cod we had a relaxing morning and slept in and on a whim decided we wanted to go out for a late breakfast and take a drive to the White Mountains even though it was approaching mid day. On our way we found a great place to eat and then  headed north. We began and as it turns out ended our day at Lost River, in large part because we got there so late in the day.  We walked and hiked the whole trail taking our time and enjoying every view along the way.  What a bles...

I have my quirks.....

A few years ago I was talking with someone who was very much in to health and nutrition, juicing and making their own natural remedies. We got on the subject of water and he said that "cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment but can thrive in an acidic one". He said he only drinks water with a Ph level of 7 or above and it got me thinking. It also caught my attention because I have a spiritual Father who has for years promoted an alkaline rich diet. So I started to do a bit more research and came to the conclusion that there isn't much scientific data to conclude or make that statement that he made, but there is enough evidence to suggest that keeping a Ph level that is non acidic and more Alkaline contributes to overall better health. And I love my water and have long before I met Ilana and so a few years ago I started making little changes. So if you know me, like my beloved does, you know that I am a water snob. I refuse to drink Dasani and will opt...

Flashback Friday..............ready for your own flashback?

  Flashback Friday...... There is so very much I could say and I think in one post or another I have said it all. I didn't go from having type 2 diabetes and taking 4 metformin pills a day, pills for neuropathy and high cholesterol to reversing my diabetes and NO pills save for allergy controllers by sitting on the sidelines. I didn't go from low self esteem, lack of confidence, a negative and loathing self-image, depression and daily bouts of fear, anxiety and insecurity to woman of courage, confidence, love and joy by sinking deeper into the mire. Instead with every breath I struggled to step out, and with every passing day I learned to manage and overcome the struggle. My faith is what has carried me, it got me through a dark and dangerous time in my life and grace saved me for without it, I KNOW without a doubt that I would not be drawing breath today and here to share this glorious journey with YOU. It's been a long road and t...

A little extra always comes in handy......

Last week it was the chimney this week the tree that went down during the last storm.........our trip to Italy  🇮🇹  and the pool have shifted to the back burner, that’s what happens when unexpected things arise. But you know, it’s all good and we are pretty good at making lemons out of lemonade and finding gratitude in the journey!!! There was a time that my stress level would go through the roof when something unexpected happened and we weren’t financially prepared. We’ve lived the delays in fixing things till we could manage it. Juggling credit cards that were maxed, paying this and holding back that, figuring out how we are going to put gas in the car, keep up with the mortgage, pay for groceries and make ends meet. It’s not easy and if both of us go back to a time before we married, we could share some truly difficult financial times and stories. Thanks be to God we have managed to work things out with a little part time income. It can make a world of difference. Espe...

We did it..............and there is more to come!!

This morning my beloved and I hosted a Live Video with a reveal on some exciting news. And it got me thinking about how until the past few years I had been living within a very comfortable "comfort zone" of my own choosing. And how that all changed when I started my "Joy in the Journey" and found a platform to share my voice. In the process, I have become more confident in my skin, comfortable in sharing my story to help others and the author of the narrative of my life with the Lord's guiding hand. And I have found the courage to push myself beyond my comfort zone diving into and seeking personal growth, self-awareness and understanding through prayer and a commitment to personal development and living a balanced and healthy lifestyle. And I discovered a passion, mission and desire in mentoring and helping others on their journey. If I had never taken that first step, and then the second, I never would know the joy I have today, and I ...

Spring into Summer Bootcamp.......whose in?

Amazing things can happen when you make a decision to make healthy lifestyle changes in your life. I made that decision four years ago, I started out really slow and it took me another 6 months to fully get on board, drop the excuses and give a real go. Three months later my labs were coming back better, I was able to "reduce" some of my medications and within 6 months I was OFF all of them. It's not easy, it's a lifestyle and not a diet, you have heard it all before. And if you want more the deets let me know, I will fill in the gaps. In the meantime, if you are ready to Spring into Summer, then I would love for you to join my Joy in the Journey Spring into Summer Bootcamp. You don't need to boil the ocean or figure it all out. It's all been done for you. I have a plan that works and I can help you fine tune it to work for you. What you need is the desire to make the changes that you say that you want, a willingless to invest in yourself, sta...

I get it!

My first thought when I see this picture is pure love. I adore these two beautiful women. My second thought is how quicly beautiful sweet Gracie is growing from such a beautiful, thoughful, kind and gentle young girl into one of the most amazing young women I know. She makes me a very proud auntie. And then I see my sister  Marlene , she has given up facebook for lent so she won't see this for a bit, but I can't tell you how amazing this woman is, and if you know her, well then you know what I'm talking about a more beautiful and loving soul you will not find. She is a treasured friend and sister of my heart and I am so grateful to Jesus for bringing us together. And finally I see the pictures as a whole. The three of us on family sleigh ride that I coordinated back in 2015, what a glorious day we had at a beautiful farm with a sleigh ride and time around the campfire with hot dogs, hot chocolat and toasting marshmellows. With the bulk of the weight I w...

Seeking light and always love

Analogies for life lessons are everywhere and how blessed we are when we can see them right before our eyes. I have a morning habit of opening all the blinds in the back of the house. It doesnt matter if its still pitch black out before the sun comes up. I'm always seeking the light and the sun of a new day to come filtering in the windows of our house.  And I'm also always seeing the light of the Son to come filtering into the windows of my soul and fill my heart with His love.    We also have a habit of turning our hibiscus plants in front of the slider every few days.  They too need the sunlight and we want them to bask in it equally on all sides. When I came down this morning and opened the blinds I could see the hibiscus leaning toward the sun, seeking that light and knew it was time to turn the plants.  I was also thinking about the day ahead and the excitement of c elebrating a beautiful mass and the grace that my beloved and I have of being p...

Crashing the comfort zone

I am in a exclusive Coach test group with a world class fitness trainer. This experience as a coach, mentor and as a woman looking to manage her own health goals has been beyond my wildest dreams. And in a million years I never would believe that I would share these pictures in a public post, but if ONE person finds the courage to START thier journey, to reach out to me, to know that they are not alone and that they can do hard thinigs too and that they too can be the best version of themselves that they want to be, then it is totally worth sharing so vulnerable of a post. And I say BRINGIT ON! I have been into this for 26 days and am a third of the way through, this is simply the end of phase 1. I was asked on the first day if there was something that I wanted to fit into by the time this program was over. I have had a pair of yoga pants sitting in my closet for over two years. Shortly after I started my journey ust over three years ago I ...