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Keeps getting better and better

 Day 11 / 21

I am down 14.6 pounds

My beloved is down 8.8 pounds

That was first thing this morning.  In fact I weighted myself in the wee early hours of the morning.  When I got up a few hours later I as down another pound. I weighed myself several times thinking the scale was playing tricks with me.  I guess I have learned to never underestimate those early morning bathroom runs and a good nights rest.  

I know I have shared my story in my blogs of how I reversed my type 2 diabetes and have come off of all of my medications for diabetes, high cholesterol and neuropathy that I had been experiencing as a result of the diabetes. Its been over a year now that I have been off all medications with the exception of allergy and asthma controllers as I might need them.  By the way I rarely if ever need my asthma controllers but had until recently continued with over the counter allergy controllers.  

So other than the occasional ibuprophen for long standing neck and back issues that have dramatically decreased since I have been working out and strengthening my core, and over the counter allergy medication I have not been on medications for about a year.  Just before I started this cleanse, around the same time I stopped drinking coffee to prepare myself for the upcoming cleanse I also stopped taking the over the counter allergy pills. I had been meaning to pick some up but had not gotten around to it and then when we started the cleanse felt like I could go without.

The first week of the cleanse my body and John's as well was achy and sore, we both felt like we had been hit by a mac truck. I resisted the urge to take ibuprophen for the aches.  I am so glad that I did. Instead my beloved and I gave each other massages. It helped those achy muscles and I think it helped us both sleep better too.  

So i made it through that first week and we are now well into our second week of the detox and I cannot tell you how amazing I feel.

Even my sinuses feel better. I am not having any sinus issues and usually I have aches and pains in my neck and back and I am not experiencing any issues in particular the past couple of days.  Since we have been taking the detox drink three times a day along with our supplements as required I feel like its cleaning my body from the inside out. Like a good scrubbing of my colon and all those impurities and toxins that have been in my system are breaking free and coming out.

They say that during phase 2 where we are now, the diet, supplements and hydration are designed to release the unwanted compounds that have been holding our system back and it starts the detoxification process.  

We have been committed 100% and followed the program to a T with no cheats and I know that is why we are seeing results. 

This journey is progress NOT perfectionin any way stretch or form. We are living a lifestyle and not a diet and that lifestyle comes with balance and moderation.  I also know that there are times when you buckle down, you made a decision to reach a goal and you apply yourself to getting there, you do what it takes, you drop the excuses, you put on the big girl panties and get the job done.  My mindset is in a total bad ass get the job done mode and the more that scale keeps going down the more committed I am to seeing this through. And not just these 21 days.

I am thinking beyond this reset and how I am going to keep going to reach my goal of losing 50 pounds this year.  And when I reach that 50 I will set another goal.  If I said I wanted to lose 100 pounds this year it would overwhelm me. I would not be able to wrap my head around it and the old me would sabotage myself.

I am grateful that this journey has changed all that, but even stil, looking at 100 as opposed to 50 is a lot less daunting and so I will go for the next 50 which will make it 100 from when I started. Actually it is more, but back then I did not weight myself and of course we can't count the 10 pounds I just lost that I gained back from holiday and vacation indulging.  But I am not counting, I am moving forward. I have a goal and I am determined to reach it.

And I know I have been a bit obsessed with the scale lately because it is going down more rapidly than I am used to. But truthfully it is not about he scale, its how I feel. It is the non scale victories.  The way my clothes fit, fitting into things that were too tight and now are comfortable and even loose, no medicaitons, more energy, better digestion, confidence in my skin and so very much more.  

It's getting a messsage from a friend today who saw my video clip today on kitchen tips telling me how amazing both John and I look and that he did a double take when he saw the video because he did not recognize me. 

It's making an impact in the lives of others and the wonderful messages and conversations with friends, family and people that I am helping on the journey that affirm my passion and mission.  

It's knowing that I am right where I am meant to be on this journey and the gratitude in my heart for all the grace and blessings.

Today's time frame has not been typical, its the weekend and my beloved and have taken advantage of the more relaxed weekend schedule.  And how wonderful that we simply adjust our times for our meals and supplements to go with the flow of our day all the while keeping in step with program. Flexiblity, another must for any program.  Things don't always go as planned, so you make adjustments, you work it out and you keep moving forward.

We have a lot to do this weekend and it will all get done, including more meal prep for the week ahead.  

We got a later start to the day.  Perhaps we should skip our snack which should have been this afternoon. But today I am excited to have a Vegan Chocolate Shakeology as snack. I can't wait, I have missed my shako and that is hard because I have been drinking it daily for two years now, it  is part and parcel of how I began and how I continue to stay accountable on this journey.  And although I can have it as a snack, I have been opting for "eating" the snack as opposed to drinking it during the cleanse. But not today. Today I am planning on having my snack and so that will put dinner out a few hours later than usual.  

Thats okay too, because its Saturday so we can make it a date night at home in front of the fire. Tonights meal is Hearty Vegetable Miso Soup, Quinoa and some steamed Swiss Chard.  But before we get to dinner and before that our last round of supplemetns and detox shake for the day.

We are having our snack and for me its a Vegan Chocolate Shako made especially for me by my beloved!!  

Breakfast - Fresh Fruit Plate
Phase 2 - Detox

Lunch - Quinoa-Lentil Pilaf & Cucumber and Tomato Salad

Bottoms up - time for Power 

Been waiting for this snack all day!!

After a long day we ended it with a reset TV dinner by the fire.  Hearty Vegetable Miso Soup, sauteed swiss chard and quinoa.  Not a bad way to end teh 11th day of our nutritonal cleanse.


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