Day 9 of 21

Joy of joy a few hours before dinner we had our detox drink. I am actually not minding it as much as I did when I had it doing the 3 day refresh. It was not my favorite at all.
Want to join me? Reach out so we chat, let's do this together!
You know this microgreen salad and roasted pumpkins seeds is growing on me.
The pumpkin seeds had me at hello, the microgreens, well let's just say me and salads have always had a rocky relationship so we did not get off on a good start I was eating them but not thrilled about it.
I think we turned a corner today, I loved the rice and beans and now I am loving my salad!
A new habit I am making that I can keep up with after this nutritional cleanse is over!
Day 9 and I am still ALL IN, committed 100% , going strong and I have lost 11.5 pounds so far.
Makes this salad taste better than ever!
Breakfast was not so stellar, mashed chickpeas in a wee little bowl. Surprisingly it was actually filling but not satisfying. Snack was blueberries and a green apple.
But I have to take it three times a day during this second phase so I figured I might make peace with it, not try to fight it and just drink it down.
The detox shake has a citrus flavor and while I would not choose it as a drink its not bad and no so much easier to do. And I know it is scrubbing my insides clean to release all the gunk and toxins lurking inside and that I like even better.
Dinner was roasted red pepper and sweet potato soup John made the other day and Asparagus and slivered almonds, both were delicious. But not nearly enough to fill us.
We also took time while making and after dinner to plan ahead and made the Quinoa- Lentil Pilaf that will be on tomorrows dinner and the following day's lunch. It looks delicious and I can't wait to try it. We spend a lot of time cooking together and John is really taking an active role during this cleanse in cooking with me and it is such a grace and we get it done in half the time.
John and were both still hungry after dinner and wanting more food.
It's the first time I can say that I felt hungry or "deprived" after dinner. And lets be clear I was not deprived, we had a nutritious dinner, supplements, food and hydration all day. But I sure would have like MORE of it AND I would have loved a little sweet finish or a snack a few hours after dinner.
The good news, I survived and I kept my spirits and attitude up. MINDSET, it truly is all about mindset. I tell you if I allowed myself, my mind and my thoughts to go where they wanted to go I would have gone rummaging in the kitchen for a snack, true story. But I would not allow myself to go there. I focused on how good I feel overall, the weight I have lost so far and WHY I am doing this, I want to be around for my beloved, for my family for those who need me and for those I serve. I want to enjoy this wonderful life we are given and take care of the one body I have been given in the best way I can. I want to stay off medications, I want to make sure that the type 2 diabetes that I reversed and the high cholesterol that I have reversed never make a comeback. And that the neuropathy that came with the diabetes remains arrested with no further nerve damage. I remembered all the good I was doing and how confident and good I am feeling in my skin and there was nothing in that kitchen that was going to even come close to feeling that good!
I reminded myself of all the many blessings that I can all too often take for granted and how many people are going to be hungry who did not even have what I was able to have tonight. Perspective when I think I am going through something I don't want to be experiencing is a wonderful gift.
I got through my little bout of hunger pains. We both did, NO CHEATS. We both also fell asleep on the couch, that is why this post is on the morning of Day 10 and not the eve of Day 9.
Cuz life happens and we roll with it!
I'm going full steam into another round of my tried and true 21 day fix when this is over and taking all that I am learning here to help YOU get results if you are ready to put some skin in the game.
All salads, detox shakes and food aside this is so much more than a number on the scale and kind of salad we're eating, or how much food is on the plate.
It's about feeling better, getting and staying healthy, having the energy to do not only the things you want to do, but the things you need to do. Being around for those you love because time marches on and every day is a day we don't get back.
I want to find joy in the gift of the life I have been given. I don't think I am alone. And I want to live a healthy lifestyle, stay off medications and be around for my beloved, family and those I serve. I don't think I am alone there either.
For the longest time I could not get out of my own way, maybe you can relate to that.
It was only when I was sick and tired of being sick and had tried and failed every fad diet in the book and lost and gained and lost and gained more back that I realized I needed to do something that would not only work but fit my lifestyle and be a way of life and not a diet.
That is when I found something that works and proven programs that helped me get results and change life and my way of thinking and got me and my beloved on track to a healthy and fulfilling lifestyle. And without realizing it at first, my success and journey is what opened the door to coaching and helping others on their journey.
I found something that works and it's my purpose, my mission and my joy to share it with you.
Want to join me? Reach out so we chat, let's do this together!
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