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Never Say Never

Never, never, never did I ever believe I would drink decaf coffee! I have had an inherent resistance to it, with a why bother attitude.

Although I always kept some in the house because my sister drinks it and I like to have it for when she visits, I would never even consider drinking it, even if I was out of coffee 🍮.

I used to think, decaf? What was the point? Anyone else with me there?

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a double espresso caffe nero bollente girl! ☕️ Yes, there is actually an Italian song about boiling hot black coffee!

But since the ultimate reset I have had to slowly bring coffee back in to my life after having not had it for several months. As they suggest, I have been gradually bringing it back in, been drinking more herbal teas and when I have coffee, which has not been daily, I have been making it with a 50/50 combination of regular and decaf and often making it with 75% decaf....and who knew, I LIKE IT!

I get my coffee taste that I love without the jittery GOT TO HAVE COFFEE or I am gonna die feeling 😩

I have had espresso a couple of times since the UR and still haven't gone decaf on the espresso. But I'm not having it very often, compared to how often I used to drink it.

This journey has been a wonderful leaning experience for me. Every step of the way, and yes even something as simple as coffee☕️, reminds me of the strides I have made and am making every day and helps me to know myself a little better casting a little glimpse of self knowledge into my day, mindset, attitude and perspective.

And this morning I was thinking how adaptable the human condition is and how adaptable we can be towards change.  At least for this ole gal. This is my birthday month and I seem to be doing a lot of pondering these days, funny how that happens the older I get!

But I know without a doubt that there is always an opportunity to learn something new and when I am open and willing to "try" something new, even when old habits are ingrained I can easily shift and make a change.  Especially when the change is healthier for me.  And I have learned that not only do I adapt, I embrace it! A character trait I have developed and one I think I quite like.

Now I'm not yet ready to give up coffee altogether, but I am open to it for the benefit of my health and my nervous system.

This morning I am following my banana mango shake that I just sucked down with this delicious cup of 50/50 java!  And while I am at it saying a prayer for open minds and open hearts for all!

A couple of years ago if my heart and my mind had not been open I never would have known the grace that awaited me and the whole new world that has opened up for me and my beloved and our future.

A world that includes a healthier and more active lifestyle, opportunities to travel, the joy and grace of helping and mentoring others, and a new career working toward more freedom of time and independence.

And we are embarking on new adventures that we have yet to share but that we only dreamed of......all because I made a decision to take my health seriously, do something about it and was willing to try something new!

Kinda like decaf coffee. Imagine all those years I not only avoided but was "down" on decaf  and here I am this morning getting ready to drink it in and singing a whole different tune as I brewed up my 50/50 cup of French Vanilla and decaf regular coffee!

Who knew, it's not so bad at all in fact it's down right delicious!

Yup Never say never!

How about you?

Any never say never stories you can share with me?

I would love to hear them, they are inspiring and they encourage us to step out of the box we sometimes put ourselves in and sometimes can open up a whole new world!


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