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Productive Tension - Bring It On!!

Can anyone guess what I am reading these days?

Do you read or listen to audiobooks? What's your current jam?

I heard this quote this morning while listening to my new audiobook....,,here's your que, name that book.....and it's been stirring up all kinds of ideas.

Well maybe it's this quote or maybe it's the leggings I'm wearing today! I seem to get this big bold go for it freedom every time I wear them 🌺. Ask my beloved 💕 or maybe it's the hint of spring in the air.

Or maybe it's a combination of it all.

Whatever it is I know this:

🌼 All things are possible with God.
🌼 Trust, surrender and faith is a compass I cannot live without and that I must look to and practice daily and sometimes every 60 seconds.
🌼 Life is precious and too short
🌼 His grace and blessings are everywhere, even when I miss seeing them, they are there!
🌼 Freedom of time with my beloved and family and those we love is my driving force
🌼 A vision, plan, desire and wanting or wishing doesn't make things happen, no matter what it is, ACTION and consistency does.
🌼 Serving others always brings me outside of myself, provides perspective, helps me grow and reminds me that I am part of a larger community.
🌼 There is a grace and gift in living each day with mindful intention and purpose. I just need to tap into it and remind myself of it every day!
🌼 Change can be uncomfortable. Even just thinking about change can sometimes freeze me into inaction. Anyone else ever feel that way?
🌼 Fear is powerful, it can paralyze or motivate, I prefer the latter
🌼 Productive tension is good, it can make me move and get things done. And that has been resounding in my ears all day!!

I could write so much more, sorry I know this is a bit long, then again sorry, not so sorry.


Because something clicked this morning and instead of retreating to my comfort zone I am stepping out!

And why not?

It's my birthday month and although not a milestone year for the books, it's already feeling like it's going to be a milestone year for making bold strides towards some pretty powerful dreams!

Life is too short not to wear those bold leggings, dream BIG, take action and step responsibly out of my comfort zone!

I know, does the "responsibly" added above make you chuckle, me too! But some things are set in stone, responsible I have always been and I think responsible I always will be, but with a little wild side peeking out now and again, wink wink!

Any other dreamers out there? Can ya feel me?


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