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Love always endures

Christmas is such a glorious time of year and for some of us that glorious time is also filled with mixed emotions and sadness. I am filled with joy and excitement this morning as I give thanksgiving for all the many blessings in my life and I give glory to Jesus at the coming of His birth. But my joy is also tempered with remembrance of those I love that are no longer with us.
It’s hard to believe but 16 years ago this morning my dad went home to glory. Through the eyes of faith I know that he is with my mom and that they are in the loving arms of the Lord and that brings comfort and peace but does not diminish the loss.
This picture with my parents and siblings was taken 35 years ago on Christmas morning, the legacy of love that my parents gave us and that shines in the joy and love in being together unites us still and always will, even from thier heavenly places as we carry on thier legacy and remembrance in our growing family.
This morning as I said my prayers I was reminded that in the midst of all the joy, good wishes, glad tidings and the wonderment of Christmas Day and this beautiful season that there are so many people who have recently suffered loss, people who are going through difficult times, people who are lonely and people suffering in ways we may never know and dealing with things that are beyond our understanding.
And so my prayer today is that the love and hope and joy of this season reach deep into every joyful and hurting heart to bring healing and hope and exactly what the Lord, who knows all, knows what is needed.
I pray also that goodness, love, compassion, kindness, generosity of heart and spirit prevail to shine bright the light of hope and love to all faiths and denominations.


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