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Life is too short and precious, love when you find it after heartache and loss takes on a whole new meaning and time is fleeting.

Looking at this picture makes me want to squeeze every hour out of the day, because doing crazy fun things, traveling and having adventures and time for all the little moments with my beloved is what rocks my world!

And finding time and balance with my beloved and afew moments for my own self-care while working full time, running a business, working on special projects, staying on top of our nutrition with meal prep and planning, getting in some exercise and all those other demands that chip away at the day can make it a challenge. Thankfully I found a way.

Can you relate? Can you rattle off your own list....and is there time for YOU on that list?

What if I shared with you #the25thhour, a community that can help with wellness tools and tips, resources, insights, nutritional support and so much more, including the opportunity to get a weekly shopping list and meal plan!

That would certainly add time to your day and help you find a healthy balance.

Interested? Send me message and I'll give you the deets!


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