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And the Journey continues....

Day 15 of 21

The detox phase of our nutritional cleanse is over and today we head into the third phase and final week.

In two weeks, I have lost 15.5 pounds and my beloved has lost 10.7 pounds.  Through healthy and clean eating of real foods, fruits and vegetables, proper hydration and healthy organic supplements we have reclaimed our bodies natural balance, released the unwanted compounds that were holding our sytems back and began the detoxification process.

Last night before dinner we drank our last detox shake and this morning we begin the process of restoring our digestive systems and our other internal processes through more clean eating, hydration and healthy supplements so they can operate at thier maximum efficiency.  

This cleasnse was the jumpstart that both John and I needed to help us reach our goals. He is headed towrds ONEderland and is just over 5 pounds away from reaching his goal and am determined to lose another 50 pounds this year and just over 34 pounds away from my goal.

- we are losing weight
- we have more energy
- our skin is clearer andhealthier
- we are learning new recipes, some we like, some not so much
- we are learning more about nutrition and food as fuel for our bodies
- we are sleeping better
- our digestion is better

And the list goes on.  Bottom line, we are improving our overall health inside and out every single day.   And the grace and the gift of that cannot be measured!

Here is to the start of another amazing day!  Thank you Jesus!


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