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There is value in planning and preparing

Day 10 of 21

This is a little glimpse into our refrigerator. You can see my lunch bag is all set and ready to go, usually John's is beside mine but he is working from home so no need for his bag, and frankly a good thing, not sure there would be room. 

I talk a lot about preparation and planning.  That has been key for us. We make it a point to say at least a day ahead of our meals, prep in advance what we need to and and portion out what we can so it is easy and ready to go when we need it.  In the end the time that we spend preparing not only helps us stay on track it saves us time in the long run.

Everyone has their own way of doing things, this works for us and it has helped us stay 100% on track and committed, its working and so we are sticking with it.

Make no mistake, its not easy. There is a lot of thought, preparation and time that we have collectively invested.  And that is all good because we are WORTH every precious minute. And we are reaping the benefit of it in the results that we are already experiencing this early in the cleanse.

So here is a glimpse into our day:

Breakfast for two





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