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Already down a collective 8.1 pounds and it's only day 3!!

Wow what a day!

We started the day on a high note when we got on the scale this morning on day 3 of 21 and saw that I lost 3.6 and John lost 4.5 pounds.

So we were off to keep a good thing going with breakfast of eggs, steamed kale and whole grain toast.  John also got to have some mixed berries. I was so tempted to snag a blueberry as I was making it for him, but I stuck to plan and remembered that I was going to be having some raspberries with my yogurt and cinnamon for my snack later in the day so his blueberries were safe!   

Lunch was a lime and lentil salad that was actually pretty good and the microgreen salad that I and I think John too could totally live without.  Its a good salad and we both ate every bite.  But I have a love hate relationship with salad and salad greens and I love my salads, when I am in the mood for them and so for me the best part  are the cucumbers, tomatoes and jicama. John not so much, the jicama is his least favorite part.  And we both love the roasted pumpkin seeds.  But the best part of lunch was the face time from my beloved who called so we could have our lunch together.  That was fun and I am not sure why we have never done that before!!  And I guess he really liked it too because he followed that up a few hours later with another face time visit and chat as we drank up our power green supplement.  We are both grinning and bearing it, it's really not that bad.  We have been taking them for two years mixing the boost into our shako.  This is a bit different as there is no shako to combine it with, but its not bad.  Seriously the power greens is a combination of six powerful greens, kale, spinach, cucumbers, celery, spirulina and chlorella and it helps to support the body's acid/alkaline balance and we are all for that so we can take the power green cocktail for 21 no problem.  And if we face time when we do, well all the better!!

Dinner tonight was sushi, miso soup and Japanese cucumber salad. It was the first time we made suchi and John did the rolling, I say he dis an excellent job and sushi was good too!

There is so much to share but its getting late and rest and a good night sleep is all part of our healthier routine.

So I will fill you in on some of the deets as well as some of our insights, takeaways and what we have learned the past few days soon.


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