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Day 7 is in the books!

Day 7 / 21

First week down and not only survive sticking 100 % to the program, we THRIVED!!

I have also proven to myself that:
- When I make my mind up to be all in and commit 100%, I do it
- I can do anything, its all about  mindset.  
- I don't have to like it, I just need to do it
-  Preparation and planning is key and can make the difference between staying on track or falling off
- My willingness to try new things has opened up a whole new world of options
- I am learning new and healthy snack options that will help me long term
- I don't have to snack after supper
- I can survive without coffee

And the food has not been too bad either, well some things have not been too bad. Last night we had delicious roasted root vegetables for dinner, I could have eaten a whole pan. It was delicious.  Along with the root veggies we had a zucchini- cashew soup that was actually quite tasty.

Today's menu was similar to yesterday.  For breakfast we had oatmeal with green apple and flax seeds and some yogurt with maple syrup. I mixed all of mine together and it was yummy. John not so much he is not a fan of yogurt.

And I am not a big fan of the microgreen salad but that was back for lunch again today and seems to be a mainstay so I am making the best of it.  I am grateful we at least have those yummy toasted pumpkin seeds and today we also had more of that zucchini-cashew soup.

And the dreaded tempeh made an appearance for dinner tonight.

Our palates have certainly been treated this week to some new flavors and we are the better for it.

We have reclaimed our internal systems, been 100% plus committed and all in to making healthy changes so we can reset our bodies to operate at optimum levels.

In the process I have lost 8.5 pounds and John has lost 7.3 pounds.  Not bad for 7 days into a 21 day nutritional detox.

Tomorrow we begin the process of releasing all the toxins from our systems and add in some new supplements. How perfect that tomorrow is also Ash Wednesday and the beginning of the Lenten season where we also begin the process of cleansing our souls through prayer, fasting and alms giving. God's timing is always perfect and we are so grateful!


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